12 Signs Your Husband is Disgusted By You

In this article, we will look at several signs your husband is disgusted by you and what to do about it. 

Marriage is beautiful; I will never tire of saying this. However, there is no perfect marriage, even if you have been married for a long time, it is not all rainbows and unicorns.

It is great when you are both feeling in love with each other. However, you have been feeling off lately. You feel like your husband is disgusted by you. 

Something has shifted in your relationship. The love and warmth you shared are fading or completely fading, leaving an unnerving emptiness. 

You suspect your husband is disgusted by you. It is tough and confusing to think your husband is disgusted by you and will want to have evidence before you do anything. 

Signs Your Husband is Disgusted By You

It is confusing to think your husband is disgusted by you, and you want to know for sure he is before taking any further steps.

Some of the signs your husband is disgusted by you include the following;

1. He Doesn’t Touch You Anymore

One of the major signs your husband is disgusted by you is not touching you. If your husband always wanted to be close to you and initiated physical contact, and now he will not touch you anymore, he is disgusted by you. 

If your husband has become distant sexually when he couldn’t have enough of you before, he is disgusted by you. 

It is unnerving when your husband, who loves cuddling, hugging, kissing, and holding hands, suddenly acts like your body has developed thorns. 

You don’t know what to do with all the overwhelming feelings you get when you realize he doesn’t want to be physically intimate with you. 

If your husband won’t touch you anymore, there has been a shift in your emotional connection that is making him disgusted by you. 

For instance, if you cheated on your husband and he found out, he would be disgusted by you and would not want to touch you. 

2. He Doesn’t Look At You The Same Way

When you got together with your husband, he would look at you with a penetrating gaze, and you could feel the love when he looked at you. 

If your husband doesn’t look at you the same way anymore, he is disgusted by you. 

He rarely looks at you, and when he does, his gaze is distant. He is not interested in you anymore. 

Moreover, he will no longer hold your gaze and avoid eye contact with you.

According to research, eye contact makes you feel good and is responsible for feelings of attraction and arousal. 

So, if your husband doesn’t look at you the same way anymore, he is disgusted by you. 

For instance, if there are no more stolen glances, and he doesn’t look at you with love anymore, he has lost interest in you and maybe disgusted by you. 

3. He Pulls Away When You Initiate Physical Intimacy

If your husband is disgusted with you, he will pull away when you attempt to initiate physical intimacy. 

Have you ever tried to hug someone sweaty and smelly? Remember how fast you pulled away? This is the same way your husband is treating you. 

According to research, physical intimacy is important in a relationship. Without physical intimacy, many marriages end in divorce.

If your husband is disgusted by you, he will not want to be intimate with you in any shape or form. 

When you try to initiate physical intimacy with him, he will pull away so fast you will get dizzy. He doesn’t want to hug, kiss or cuddle with you anymore. 

If you try to initiate sex with him, he will not be interested and will even feign sickness to get out of it. 

If you try going in for a cuddle or hold his hand, he will clench. He may even pull away to avoid physical affection from you.

It is hurtful when your husband won’t get close to you. 

4. He Doesn’t Want To Spend Time With You

When someone or something disgusts you, you don’t want to spend a minute longer than is necessary around it. 

If your husband is disgusted by you, he will not want to spend time with you. He avoids sharing a room with you and would rather hang out with his friends than be with you.

For instance, if your husband loved spending time with you, hanging out with you and friends, going on dates, and all of a sudden, he doesn’t want to breathe the same air as you, he is disgusted by you. 

Gone are the days of curling up on the couch for a lazy weekend watching movies. If your husband is disgusted by you, he won’t want to spend a minute longer with you than he needs to. 

When he was in love with you, he would light up when you walked into a room. Now, he exits stage left when you get in. 

6. He Is Annoyed By Everything You Do

When you first got married, your husband loved you to bits. He was happy to be with you and loved all your quirks. 

However, if your husband is disgusted by you, he is annoyed by everything you do. 

According to Jenni Jacobsen, a licensed social worker, if your husband has lost attraction for you, he will be irritated by your mere presence. 

You may be just existing and living your best life, and it will annoy the daylights out of your husband if he is disgusted with you. 

There is basically nothing you can do that will please him. At this point, he is forcing himself to be in the same room with you because your existence alone annoys him. 

7. He Constantly Criticizes You

When your husband is disgusted by you, he will start to criticize you constantly. I know you are not perfect, and no one is. 

However, if your husband is disgusted by you, he will constantly and openly criticize you. There is nothing good you can do in his eyes. 

It gets worse because he will start doing it in front of the children or your family and friends. He doesn’t respect you anymore and doesn’t care what others think of you. 

Moreover, he will keep complaining to his friends about you. He makes you feel like he is forcing himself to love you

If your husband is disgusted by you, you can’t do anything right by him. He makes you feel small, and you start walking on eggshells around him. 

8. He Blames You For Everything

When your husband is disgusted by you, he will blame you for everything. If something goes wrong, it is on you, even if you have nothing to do with it. Or you couldn’t do anything to have a better outcome. 

According to Dr. Thomas Jordan, a clinical psychologist, chronic blaming is a form of emotional abuse. So, if your husband blames you for everything, he is emotionally abusing you. 

If you tell your husband something that he did that upsets you, he will blame it on you.

For instance, if he is cheating on you and you confront him, he will say he cheated because you are not a good wife or didn’t give him what he wanted. 

If your husband starts shifting blame to you, he is disgusted with you. He will blame you for everything, hoping you get fed up and leave. 

9. He Doesn’t Want To Be Seen With You

If your husband is disgusted by you, he will not want to go out with you in public.

You remember the good old days when your husband would bring you to every social event and even go shopping with you. They are long gone. 

When your husband is disgusted by you, he will make up excuses not to go anywhere with you, he simply doesn’t want people to see him with you. 

He can’t stand people seeing you together. He will not want to be with you in public if he can’t stand you in private. 

10. He Abuses You

Another sign your husband is disgusted by you is insulting you. If your husband uses derogatory language toward you, he is disgusted with you and doesn’t respect you. 

Verbal abuse is not acceptable, and if your husband starts insulting you, it shows he is disgusted by you and doesn’t care about your feelings anymore. 

Verbal abuse has long-term effects on someone. It will erode your self-esteem and will lead to resentment in the relationship. 

Moreover, if your husband is disgusted by you, he may even physically abuse you. If your husband starts hitting you, he is disgusted by you and doesn’t care for you or respect you.

11. He Cheats On You

When your husband is disgusted by you, he will cheat on you. If he is disgusted by you, he doesn’t care about your feelings and may cheat on you to punish you for what he thinks you did to disgust him. 

According to research, infidelity is among the leading causes of divorce at 58%. If your husband is disgusted by you, he will withhold physical intimacy from you and cheat on you with someone else. 

This is a common mistake many married men make and should not repeat. In most cases, there is no coming back from infidelity; you will lose your wife and home. 

Moreover, infidelity is not only physical. Some men claim they didn’t cheat because they were not physically intimate with another person. 

However, if your husband is disgusted by you and runs to someone else for emotional support, he is having an emotional affair.

He may not be having sex with them, but he is creating an emotional connection that may even be stronger than a physical one. 

12. He Doesn’t Support You

If your husband is disgusted by you, he will become indifferent. He will no longer care for you and will withdraw all his support. 

Having a supportive partner is priceless. However, if your husband is disgusted by you, he will not care what happens in your life.

When you try to talk to him about your feelings, he will dismiss you or even give curt responses. 

A husband who is disgusted by you will not care about your well-being. Moreover, he will forget or disregard all important functions in your life.

Special days like anniversaries, birthdays, and family functions will be a thing of the past. 

Moreover, if he is disgusted by you, he may even get angry when you talk about your feelings. 

Related Reading: 11 Signs Your Husband Is Attracted To You

What To Do If Your Husband Is Disgusted By You

It is heartbreaking and confusing when your husband is disgusted by you. If this happens to you, you don’t know what to do.

Don’t be dismayed; there are several things you can do if your husband is disgusted by you. Some include the following; 

1. Talk To Him

I know the last thing your husband wants to do if he is disgusted by you is talk to you. However, try to get him to talk about his feelings as much as possible. 

Ask him why he is disgusted by you and what you can do to make things okay again. It would help if you also told him how his behavior makes you feel. 

However, when talking to him, be polite and don’t use accusatory language. Use “I” statements instead of “You” statements. 

Listen to him without judgment and try to understand his point of view. 

2. Reflect On Yourself

If your husband is disgusted by you, you should have a self-reflection session. Ask yourself what you could have done to elicit this type of reaction from him. 

If he is disgusted by you because of something you did knowingly or unknowingly, apologize. 

3. Don’t Let It Affect Your Self-Esteem

When your husband is disgusted with you, it is hard not to take it personally. However, remember his disgust may not even have anything to do with you. 

Don’t let your husband’s disgust affect your self-esteem. Always remind yourself it is about the relationship and not about you. 

4. Focus On Yourself

If your husband is disgusted by you, focus on yourself. Always focus on yourself and self-care, no matter how hard the situation gets. 

Find healthy ways to manage the stress; I won’t lie to you; it is stressful when your husband is disgusted by you.

Use the time you spent with him with your friends and family. Be with people who love you and support you. 

You can also focus on your career or furthering your studies. Focus on building better relationships with your friends, go for a shopping spree or a spa day to hang out with friends. 

Remember, you have only one you. Focus on bettering yourself. For instance, you can start exercising, meditating, or pick up a new hobby. 

5. Seek Professional Help

If your husband is disgusted with you, you should seek professional help. A marriage counselor will help you navigate the problems in your marriage. They will also give you tools to help you work them out. 

6. Leave

If your husband is disgusted by you and you have tried everything to no avail, leave. Divorce is better than staying in a loveless and unhappy marriage.

You deserve better you deserve to be with someone who loves and appreciates you, not one who is disgusted by you. 

Parting Shot

It is heartbreaking and confusing when you think your husband is disgusted by you. There are several signs your husband may be disgusted by you. 

Some include; he doesn’t touch you anymore, doesn’t look at you the same way, pulls away when you try to be intimate with him, and doesn’t want to spend time with you.

Moreover, if your husband is disgusted with you, he will cheat on you, blame you for everything, abuse you, and not support you. 

If your husband is disgusted by you, you should reflect on yourself, talk to him, focus on yourself, seek professional help, or leave. 

Photo by Timur Weber: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-couple-arguing-8560341/

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