14 Signs She Wants You To Touch Her Body 

In this article, we will look at the signs she wants you to touch her body.

When you like someone, you want to be as close to them as possible, and there is no better way to be close to them than touching them.

However, you can’t just go touching people without their consent. It is, therefore, important to know when a woman wants you to touch her body.

Most men say women are complicated. Are you one of them? Do women confuse you? Is it hard for you to know what a woman wants?

Women may not out rightly tell you they want you to touch their bodies. However, knowing a woman is not as complicated as many men make it seem.

When a woman likes you, she will want you to touch her body; even if she doesn’t say the words, she will show you signs she wants you to touch her body.

Signs She Wants You To Touch Her Body

Touch is important in building attraction, if a woman is attracted to you and likes you, she will want you to touch her even if she doesn’t say it out loud.

There are many signs that a woman may give to show she wants you to touch her body, these signs include;

1. She “Accidentally” Touches

When a woman wants you to touch her, she will “accidentally” touch you. Women may not tell you they like you and want you to touch them, but they will give you subtle signs.

So, if a woman touches you by accident, it may be an accident the first time.

But if it happens a second or third time, it is not an accident, and she is trying to send you a message.

Have you heard of the phrase “accidentally on purpose?” A woman who wants you to touch her body will intentionally touch you to send you a signal.

So, if a woman you like keeps touching your thighs or bumping her hips “accidentally,” it may not be an accident, and she wants you to touch her body.

2. She Playfully Touches Your Arm

When a woman likes you and wants you to touch her body, he will start touching your arm.

A woman who likes you will playfully touch your arm when talking to her. For instance, when you are together, she will touch you when she talks, or you laugh.

This is a classic sign when a woman wants you to touch her; she will laugh at your jokes and touch your arms while at it.

We all know you are not Kevin Hart, so if a woman is laughing at your jokes and touching your arm while doing so, she wants you to touch her and is testing the waters.

She is unsure if you like her too, and she knows an arm touch is innocent enough if it turns out you don’t like her.

According to Coach Melanie, a relationship coach, a woman will touch your arm to break the barriers of touch; she is letting you know it is okay for you to touch her too.

3. She Leans In When Talking To You

Body language is a strong indicator of attraction. So, if a woman finds you attractive and wants you to touch her body, she will lean in when talking to you.

Even in a group, she will lean toward you when you talk. However, if she leans away from you, she isn’t comfortable around you.

Moreover, when a woman wants you to touch her body, she will lean in when talking to you. Leaning in is the easiest way to get close to someone without seeming too creepy.

So, if a woman wants you to touch her, she will lean in, lean back and lean in when talking to you.

4. She Opens Up Her Body

When a woman wants you to touch her body, she will open up her body to you. This is a major sign she is sexually attracted to you and wants you to touch her body.

If a woman likes you, she will open up her arms. So, if a woman’s arms are open and move freely when she is close to you, she likes you.

If a woman is attracted to you, she will open her body to you; the more relaxed her body is around you, the more relaxed she is in your presence.

So, if a woman crosses her arms and legs when she is around you, she is closing off her body from you. She doesn’t find you attractive, and you shouldn’t touch her.

5. She Will Expose Her Thighs

Thighs are one of the most sexually attractive parts of a woman’s body. So, if a woman likes you and wants you to touch her body, she will expose her thighs to you.

So, if the woman you are interested in crosses her legs to show off her thighs, she wants you to touch her.

Even if her legs are closed off, the direction they are facing says a lot about what the woman wants.

If she points her legs directly at you and exposes her thighs, she is attracted to you, but if she turns her legs away from you, she is not.

6. She Strokes Her Hair

Hair stroking is one of the ways many women flirt. So, if a woman wants you to touch her body, she will stroke her hair.

A woman who finds you attractive will fiddle with her hair and tuck it behind her ears when talking to you.

7. She Wants To Be Close To You

When a woman wants to touch her body, she will sit near you and may even lean in when sitting near you.

When you are getting to know each other, and the woman always finds an excuse to sit near you even when there are many seats available in the room, she is attracted to you and wants you to touch her body.

Sometimes a woman will sit near you and subconsciously lean toward you without her knowledge. So, if a woman always finds an excuse to stay close to you, she wants you to touch her body.

8. She Strokes Her Knee

When a woman is attracted to you, they will let you know by touching their knee. Studies show that stroking knees is a signal of sexual interest.

However, you should be careful with this signal because it can have a double meaning. When a woman crosses her legs and touches her knees, it may be a sign of anxiety.

So, if she crosses her knees, touches them, and points them away from you, don’t touch her.

It means she is uncomfortable around you or doesn’t find you attractive.

However, stroking her knees and pointing them towards you may show her desire to stroke your knees and have you touch hers.

9. Her Reactions

When a woman wants you to touch her body, you will know by how she reacts to you being in her space.

For instance, if you are talking to a woman and you move closer to her, and she takes a step back, she is uncomfortable with you being in her space.

However, if you step close to her and she doesn’t move, he doesn’t mind you being in her space.

When you learn to gauge a woman’s reactions to your actions, it will be easier for both of you as she may have a crush on you and is waiting for you to take the first step.

When you pay attention to a woman’s reaction, it will not only help her not be intimidated by your presence; you will also know what to do and not to do.

10. She Compliments You

Getting compliments is great, but getting them from someone you find attractive is a whole other level.

When a woman is attracted to you and wants you to touch her body, she will compliment your physical attributes.

For instance, if a woman wants you to touch her body, she will compliment your body. She will tell you how amazing your arms are or how strong your muscles are. If she is telling you she wants to touch you and wants you to touch her.

A woman who compliments your body wants you to notice her body too. She is fantasizing about how you can pick her up with your strong arms.

11. She Initiates Touch

Women rarely initiate contact with the people they like. The fear of rejection deters most women from taking the first step in relationships, and they would rather drop hints they like you.

So, if a woman initiates touch with you, she really likes you and is inviting you to her personal space and wants you to touch her body.

When a woman initiates touch, she wants to gauge your reaction. If you like her, you will touch her back when she touches you; if you don’t feel the same way about her, you will back off.

For instance, if a woman wants you to touch her body, she will lean into your personal space. She may also touch your arm when talking to you or lean her head on your shoulder when sitting next to you.

12. She Invites You Home

When a woman wants you to touch her body, she may invite you home. If a woman invites you to her house and sits next to you, even if there are many seats, she wants to get close to you.

When a woman invites you over, she wants to be in a comfortable environment where she can be herself.

Most women will be more comfortable making a move on a guy when she is in her personal space.

It will give her the confidence to touch you and allow you to touch her. Moreover, no one will know if you reject her advances when you are alone.

However, inviting you to her place doesn’t mean she wants you to go all the way. It could be her way of testing the waters, so let her take the lead. She will let you know if she wants things to go further than touch.

13. She Turns Her Body Toward You

When a woman wants you to touch her body, she will turn her body towards you when you are talking to her and will also be relaxed.

When a woman is interested in what you are saying, she will pay attention to you. She turns her body towards you, and her legs will point in your direction. She will also lean towards you when you talk to her.

14. She Is Straightening Herself Up When Around You

When a woman is attracted to you and wants you to touch her body, she will want to look her best around you.

She will try to straighten her clothes and hair when she is around you. She wants you to notice her and fix herself up for you.

So, if you meet a woman you like and are unsure if she likes you too, look at how she behaves. If she tries to fix herself up, she is attracted to you and wants you to touch her.

Bottom Line

Touch is an important aspect of attraction. When a woman is attracted to you, she wants to touch you and wants you to touch her back.

Knowing when a woman wants you to touch her body can be hard. However, some signs show a woman wants you to touch her.

Some of these signs include; “accidentally” touching you, initiating contact, leaning in when you talk, and wanting to be close to you.

Moreover, if a woman wants you to touch her body, she will playfully touch your arm, open up her body to you, stroke her hair, and expose her thighs.

Additionally, a woman who wants you to touch her body will fix herself when she is around you, turn her body towards you when talking to you, compliment you, and invite you home.

Photo by Dmitriy Ganin on pexels.com

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