11 Signs He Sees You As Girlfriend Material

In this article, we will look at signs he sees you as girlfriend material; read on to learn if he sees you as a long-term partner. 

When you start dating, it is all fun and games. However, after some time, you want to take things to the next level and have a committed relationship. 

It is crucial to know whether he sees you as girlfriend material. Some men will string you along and never make you their girlfriend. 

If you don’t want to ask the dread question, “What are we?” You can look for signs he sees you as girlfriend material to know where you stand. 

If you are emotionally attached to a man, it is important to gauge where your relationship is heading, if he is serious with you, or if he sees you as a long-term partner.

Signs He Sees You as Girlfriend Material

When you get emotionally attached to someone, you must know where you stand with them.

If you are wondering if he will make you his girlfriend, here are signs he sees you as girlfriend material. 

1. He Talks About The Future

If the guy you are dating is talking to you about the future, he sees you as girlfriend material.

A man who doesn’t see you as girlfriend material will never talk about the future with you. 

Moreover, if you try to introduce a topic about the future, he will evade the topic and change the topic so fast you won’t know what hit you. 

If a man is talking to you about the future, he wants you in his future. That’s why he is sharing his plans with you. 

For instance, if your man asks you what you are doing for Christmas and includes you in his plans, he sees you as girlfriend material. He asks you your plans to align his plans with yours. 

If your man doesn’t commit to long-term plans or won’t talk about the future, he doesn’t see a future with you.

2. He Spends His Time With You 

When a man sees you as girlfriend material, he will spend time with you. Free time is a precious commodity in today’s world.

So, if your man spares time to spend with you, he sees you as girlfriend material. 

If a guy takes time out of his busy schedule to spend with you, he loves you and sees you as girlfriend material. 

To a man who loves you, it doesn’t matter what you do when you are together. You may be cuddled on the couch, watching a movie, cooking dinner, or on dates.

A man who loves spending time with you will even take you on a shopping spree as long as he gets time to spend with you. 

Moreover, when a man wants you to be his girlfriend, he will make an effort to communicate with you when he can’t be there with you. 

On the other hand, if he doesn’t see you as girlfriend material, he will not want to be with you and will make excuses when you ask him to spend time with you. 

3. He Is Affectionate

Affection is vital in a relationship; it shows someone cares for you and loves you. If he sees you as girlfriend material, he will be affectionate with you. 

It feels great when the person you love hugs, kisses, and holds your hand. It makes you feel loved and wanted. So, if he sees you as girlfriend material, he will want to make you feel special. 

An affectionate partner makes you feel like you belong. They tell you you are special and show you through their actions. 

For instance, if your partner always holds your hand when you walk, hugs and kisses you, he is showing affection.

He will do this anytime you are together, even in public, unless he is not into public displays of affection. 

However, if your partner is only affectionate with you in bed, he doesn’t see you as girlfriend material. He is just there to enjoy the ride and get off at the nearest stop. 

An interruption in affection can often mean an interruption in connection or communication. Often our response when we see this behavior will be to fear the worst.

So, if he is affectionate to you, your connection is okay, and he sees you as girlfriend material. 

4. He Introduces You To His Friends

He will introduce you to his friends if he sees you as girlfriend material. Most men will only introduce you to their friends if they are serious about you and want to make you their girlfriend. 

If a man introduces you to his friends, he is ready to take the next step. He wants to show you off to his friends and ask their opinion of you before he takes the next step because he sees you as girlfriend material. 

Men take their bromance seriously, and if he introduces you to his friends, you are special to him. 

For instance, when I first met my boyfriend’s friends, we were invited to watch the game at their place.

We hung out with them for the evening. After a week, my boyfriend asked me to be his girlfriend.  

So, if he introduces you to his friends, he sees you as girlfriend material and may ask you to be his girlfriend soon. 

5. He Introduces You To His Family

Many guys will never introduce you to their families. So, if he introduces you to his family, he sees you as girlfriend material. 

I know I am not alone, but I have dated people for over six months and didn’t get to meet even a cousin, let alone the parents. 

Meeting the family is a huge step in a relationship. He is in for the long haul if he takes you home to meet his family.

He wants you to know he loves you and brings you to meet the people he loves most. 

When your partner introduces you to his family, he envisions a future with you.

Dr. Randi Gunther, a psychologist, marriage therapist, and author of Relationship Saboteurs, explains, “Introducing a partner to loved ones signifies a desire for a long-term commitment.

6. He Communicates

A man who sees you as girlfriend material will constantly communicate with you. When you start dating, you never get enough of each other.

You text and call every chance you get. However, after some time, the communication may die down.

A man who sees you as girlfriend material will never let your communication die. He will text and call you to know how you are doing when you are not together.

Moreover, if he sees you as girlfriend material, he will not shy away from discussing difficult topics in the relationship.

When he is upset, he will tell you. He will also encourage you to speak your mind. He will never get upset with you for talking about your feelings.

If he is in for the long haul, he knows communication is the key to a successful relationship and will always communicate openly and honestly with you.

7. He Makes An Effort To Resolve Conflicts

Relationships are not a bed of roses. They all have their ups and downs. If he makes an effort to resolve conflicts, he sees you as girlfriend material.

Many people fear talking about relationship problems because they don’t want to upset their partner.

This mostly affects women because they don’t want “to rock the boat.” They sweep the problems under the rug; eventually, the rug can’t hide them anymore.

So, if your partner makes an effort to talk about the issues in the relationship and resolve the conflicts, he sees you as girlfriend material.

Unresolved conflicts lead to resentment in the relationship, and you may end it before it even starts.

So, if he wants to talk about and resolve issues, he is the right man for you and sees you as girlfriend material.

Dr. John M. Grohol suggests, “Conflict resolution skills are crucial for relationship growth.” Too many relationships die premature deaths because partners are not willing to resolve issues. 

8. He Supports You

If he sees you as girlfriend material, he will support you. Your partner should be your number-one cheerleader. If he supports your goals and dreams, he cares about your happiness.

A man who supports his partner knows the partner’s success is the relationship’s success. When your partner wins, you win too.

So, if he supports your dreams and ambitions, even if they are greater than his, he sees you as girlfriend material.

For instance, he will cheer you on if you want to change a course in school or your career path.

Moreover, a man who sees you as girlfriend material will support you during a rough patch in life. He will be the shoulder to lean on and the hand that wipes your tears.

A man who likes you and wants you to be his girlfriend will support you in all ways he can, emotionally, psychologically, financially, and psychically. With him, you know you always have someone in your corner.

For instance, some years back, my aunt was in hospital after a stroke. It took a lot from me emotionally, but I was dating this guy who wouldn’t care less what I was going through.

After I told him, he offered no emotional support, which broke me.

After a while, my aunt passed on, and it took a toll on me. This guy didn’t even ask me about what I was going through, nor did he offer to take me to the burial. He was not there when I needed him most emotionally.

So, if your partner is emotionally supportive, he loves you deeply and sees you as girlfriend material.

9. He Protects You

There is nothing that says I want you in my life than protection. If he protects you, he sees you as girlfriend material.

Men are protective of the things that mean the most to them. They will go above and beyond to protect the people they love. So, if he is protective of you, he sees you as girlfriend material.

For instance, if you are walking, he will hold your hand and walk on the side of the street to protect you from traffic.

A man who sees you as girlfriend material will protect you from his friend and his family if they cross you. He will always be your knight in shining armor.

If he sees you as girlfriend material, he will even protect you from yourself.

For instance, if you are into some bad habits like drug abuse or self-harm, he will take you to get help because he cares for you and wants the best for you.

10. He Respects Your Boundaries

A man who sees you as girlfriend material will respect your boundaries. He acknowledges your autonomy and individuality.

He understands and respects your personal space and alone time. He also knows you need to have friends, hobbies, and time with your family.

If a man respects you, he will give you time to be yourself; he will not stalk you to know who you are talking to or hanging out with.

Moreover, if you tell him something doesn’t sit well with you, he will stop doing it and will never bring it up again because he respects your boundaries.

Dr. Dana Gionta, a psychologist, emphasizes, “Respecting boundaries promotes a healthy and respectful relationship.”

11. He Will Ask To Be Exclusive

If he sees you as girlfriend material, he will ask to be exclusive and will not flirt with other women.

He wants to be committed to you and wants you to commit too. If he sees you as girlfriend material, he will also be jealous when you talk to other guys because he knows you are a gem; and is afraid to lose you.

A man who sees you as girlfriend material will want to be exclusive, so he knows you will not date other guys. Moreover, he will not talk about other women because he is committed to you.

Bottom Line

It is important to know whether the person you are dating sees you as girlfriend material or he is only leading you on.

Several signs show someone sees you as girlfriend material. These signs include; talking about the future, spending time with you, introducing you to his friends and family, and being affectionate.

Moreover, if he sees you as girlfriend material, he will communicate, support, protect, make an effort to resolve issues and respect your boundaries.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto: https://www.pexels.com/photo/cheerful-diverse-couple-writing-in-notebook-near-boxes-before-relocation-4246197/

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