13 Signs He Will Never Make You His Girlfriend

In this article, we will look at the signs he will never make you his girlfriend. 

When you like someone, you hope they like you too. However, sometimes you will like someone who will not like you back or like someone who will not want to make you his girlfriend. 

It is important to pay attention to signs showing whether someone is truly committed to a future with you.

If you question where you stand with someone, you should know the signs that someone is interested in making you his girlfriend. 

Signs He Will Never Make You His Girlfriend

There are many obvious signs he will never make you his girlfriend. Some of these signs include the following.

1. He Is Not Interested In Your Life

If a guy doesn’t ask about your life, he will never make you his girlfriend.

When someone likes you, they are interested in your life and want to know everything. They will text you, ask about your day, and tell you about theirs.

However, if a guy will never make you his girlfriend, he will not want to know anything about your life. He is just there for the thrill and, after, goes on his way.

“If a guy isn’t genuinely interested in getting to know you better, he may seem distracted or indifferent when you tell him about your day.

He may not be fully engaged in the conversation because learning more about your life is a low priority.

If a man has no real plans to make you his girlfriend, you could spend a lot of time together, and he still might not know basic details like your last name.

This lack of curiosity signals his apathy and lack of investment in getting to know you.

If a guy has no intention of progressing the relationship towards commitment, he likely won’t ask you follow-up questions when you share things about your life.

His disinterest in learning more about your experiences and perspectives reveals his indifference.”

2. He Doesn’t Want To Be Seen With You

When you are dating someone, you want to be with them all the time. You want to show them off to your friends and walk around with them.

So, if a guy doesn’t want to be seen with you, he may never make you his girlfriend. The point of dating someone is having fun and hanging out with them.

When someone is genuinely into you, they want to be with you and hang out with you.

If they go out to restaurants, they will take you along. The point of dating is spending time with them, so if a guy doesn’t want to be seen with you, he will never make you his girlfriend.

3. He Brushes Off Any Conversations About Relationships

If you have been dating someone for a while and every time you introduce a relationship topic, they brush it off; he will never make you his girlfriend.

 So, if you have been hanging out with a guy who doesn’t want to define the relationship, he is not serious with you and will never make you his girlfriend.

If someone doesn’t want to label the relationship, he is not committed to you and will never make you his girlfriend.

If he is not ready to put a label on the relationship, it is because he knows it is not going anywhere.

According to Dr. Alexandra Solomon, hesitation to label the relationship suggests a lack of clarity and commitment.

4. He Doesn’t Talk The Future

If you are dating someone and they never talk about the future, that is a clear sign he will never make you his girlfriend.

When dating someone, you dream about what a future with them will be like. You talk about what you will do, how you will raise a family if you want one, or what you will invest in.

However, if you are dating someone who never talks about the future or includes you in his future plans, no matter how close the plans are, he will never make you his girlfriend.

For instance, if you are dating a guy and he is planning a trip to the beach over the summer and doesn’t include you or even ask if you would be interested, he doesn’t include you in the future plans because he doesn’t know if you will be in his future.

Conversely, if a guy has no intention of making you his girlfriend, he’ll be secretive about his plans and avoid opening up to you.

This evasiveness shows his lack of investment and commitment in building a real relationship with you.”

5. He Talks To Other Girls

A man who will never make you his girlfriend will always talk to other people. With this digital age and the prolific use of dating apps, a man who will never make you his girlfriend will be talking to other females online while he is still with you.

If you have been dating for a few weeks or months and he still has several dating apps active, he will never make you his girlfriend.

Having dating apps and chasing other romantic interests means he does not see a future with you, or he has not decided to have you as his girlfriend.

When a guy has decided he wants you to be his girlfriend, he will stop chasing other love interests and commit to you.

A guy in a healthy relationship will no longer have active profiles on dating apps or go out to bars scouting for dates with multiple women.

6. He Is Not Affectionate

If a guy who will never make you his girlfriend is not affectionate to you. He will do the bare minimum in the relationship just to keep you guessing and lead you on.

He doesn’t do anything romantic, and if he does, he is doing it to keep you hooked. Moreover, if he will never make you his girlfriend, he will only be affectionate in bed, and it does not feel like a romantic relationship.

Not everyone is into public displays of affection, but a guy who will never make you his girlfriend will offer very little physical intimacy.

According to Kelly Gonsalves, a relationship coach, if he isn’t putting effort into making you feel special, it is because he doesn’t see you as special.

7. He Doesn’t Make You A Priority

When you love someone, they are your number one priority. However, you are nowhere near his priority list if a man will never make you his girlfriend.

A man who will never make you his girlfriend will always prioritize his friends and other things over you.

He will not have time for you; he’ll would rather spend time with his friends playing video games than spend quality time with you.

If you are in need of emotional support, he will not put your needs first. For instance, if you are sick, a man who will never make you his girlfriend would rather hang out with his friends than stay with you and help you when you feel unwell.

For example, I had an ex who would prioritize everyone and everything over me; one day, I was sick and put on bed rest.

He would barely call me to check up on me or stay with me during that time. He would play video games with his friends all day, not spare a minute to pop in and see how I was doing.

It really hurts when the person you like doesn’t see you as an important part of his life and doesn’t prioritize you. So, if your man doesn’t make you a priority, he will never make you his girlfriend.

People make time for those they care about; if he doesn’t have time for you, he simply doesn’t care about you.

8. He Doesn’t Text You

When dating, you want to keep in touch with the person you like all the time. You will blow up their phone the whole day, checking up on them and talking about anything and everything because you miss them when you are not together.

However, if he will never make you his girlfriend, he is pretty lazy in texting you. You may get a text once or twice a day and others more.

Moreover, if he will never make you his girlfriend, he will never text you on weekends. It may be because he is busy with his real girlfriend and you are only a weekday girlfriend, or he is busy club-hopping and dating other women.

Either way, you will never get his full attention. He only texts you when it is convenient for him, and many of your texts and calls will go unanswered.

According to Mimi Winsberg, a psychiatrist and author of Speaking in Thumbs: A Psychiatrist Decodes Your Relationship Texts So You Don’t Have To, flat effect via texting is an early dating red flag.

They are emotionally aloof if you are dating a guy who never uses emojis when talking to you.

Additionally, if he responds to your messages with one-word answers, he is not keen on texting with you and will never make you his girlfriend.

9. He Doesn’t Want You To Meet His Friends and Family

When you are dating someone, you want to be with them all the time. You want to know about them and meet with their friends and family.

However, a sign he will never make you his girlfriend is he will not want you to meet his friend because he knows you are not permanently in his life.

When interested in making you his girlfriend, a guy will tell his friends and family about you and want to introduce you.

Sometimes they want to get their friends’ opinion of you and hang out with you. This shows he has accepted you as part of his life.  

10. He Doesn’t Want To Meet Your Family And Friends

When you are dating someone and see a future with them, you want to shout from the mountaintops that you love them.

You will tell your family and friends about them. You will also want them to meet your loved ones and the people in your inner circle.

However, if he will never make you his girlfriend, he will not want to meet your friends and family.

Meeting the people closest to you shows you are ready to commit, and he is not, so he will make all types of excuses every time you bring up meeting friends and family.

If he keeps procrastinating about meeting your family and friends, it could be a good sign that you are not on the same page.

11. Most Of His Previous Relationships Have Been Short-Term

According to Gonsalves, it is a huge red flag if you are dating someone and all their relationships have been short-term or undefined.

It is not good to judge people by their pasts as people change and grow; however, if you are dating someone who has never been in a long-term relationship or all his relationships have been undefined, you may be walking down the same road.

Someone who has never been in a long-term committed relationship may have commitment issues and will never make you his girlfriend.

Moreover, if he doesn’t want to put a label on the relationship, you are dealing with a guy who doesn’t commit, and he will never make you his girlfriend.

12. He Is Not Emotionally Intimate

An emotionally unavailable guy will most probably never make you his girlfriend.

When you know you want to be with someone long-term, you will feel safe being vulnerable with them. You will want to share your hopes and dreams with them because they will support you.

However, if you are dating someone who will never make you his girlfriend, he will have difficulty being emotionally intimate with you. He will never open up to or have a deep conversation with you.

If you are with someone and all your conversations seem superficial, he will never make you his girlfriend. Men display emotional intimacy with people whom they see a future with.

13. You Don’t Know Anything About His Life

When you meet someone you want to date and have a serious relationship with, you tell them all about yourself. However, if he will never make you his girlfriend, you will not know anything about him.

A guy who knows you will not be in his future will not reveal anything about himself; he will talk about you but will not let you know about his personal life.

You may date someone for a few months and not know where he works or lives. This big red flag shows he is only there for a casual fling, and you are not on the same page.

For instance, I once dated a guy for a few weeks; whenever I asked him where he lived, he would give me general directions and never told me where he lived.

He never invited me to his house, which seemed odd because he knew my house; were it not that we worked in the same company, I would not know where he worked.

He avoided talking about anything personal. Naturally, we broke up after a few weeks.

A guy who doesn’t tell you about himself will never make you his girlfriend; he is only there for a fling.

Bottom Line

Sometimes you may not know if someone is serious about you or if he will ever make you his girlfriend. 

Some of the signs he will never make you his girlfriend include; not talking about the future, casual relationship, not putting labels on the relationship, not introducing you to his friend, and not wanting to meet your friends and family.

Moreover, if he will never make you his girlfriend, he will not make you a priority, will talk to other girls, will not be interested in your life, and not talk about his life.

Additionally, a guy who will never make you his girlfriend will not text you or is lazy in texting; he will not be emotionally intimate and will not be affectionate.

Photo by Luis Quintero: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-and-woman-standing-on-soil-2106243/

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