25 Signs A Shy Girl Has A Crush On You

This article will examine signs that a shy girl has a crush on you. 

You have a crush on this amazing girl and want to know if she likes you, too; the only problem is that she is shy. 

Shy people are often low-key and a bit mysterious. They will never tell you out-rightly they like you, even if they do. Shy people are afraid of putting themselves out there for fear of rejection. 

Shy girls want love and affection like everyone else, even though they don’t show it. So, if you like a shy girl, you must be proactive. 

Signs A Shy Girl Has A Crush On You

Here are 25 signs that a shy girl has a crush on you.

1. You Will See Her Looking At You

If a shy girl has a crush on you, you will see her eyes on you when you are not directly looking at her. Because shy girls do not have the courage to talk to you, they will steal glances at you when you are not looking.

If a shy girl finds you attractive, she will want to look at you; everyone likes looking at pretty things. However, she will not want you to see her looking at you.

So, she will look at you when you are not looking, and when you turn your face toward her, she will look away.

You will always feel her looking at you but never catch her red-handed. Dr. Carla Marie Manly, a clinical psychologist and author of Date Smart: Transform Your Relationships and Love Fearlessly, says, “A shy girl may avoid direct eye contact with the person she has a crush on to avoid the potential embarrassment of being caught staring.” 

2. She Goes Out Of Her Way To Help You

A shy girl is not comfortable expressing her feelings. However, if a shy girl has a crush on you, she will go out of her way to help you, she will do anything possible to make your life easier when you are around her.

Shy people tend to show their feelings through actions more than words. After all, actions speak louder than words. So, if you see a shy girl offering to help you often, she likes you.

3. She Smiles Around You

When we are around people we like, we tend to smile more. A smile lights up a face. So, if a shy girl has a crush on you, she will smile a lot when she is around you.

4. She Blushes Around You

We often blush around people we find attractive, regardless of gender. A shy girl will blush due to embarrassment or discomfort. So, if a shy girl has a crush on you, she blushes when you flirt with or compliment her.

One of the best ways to know if a shy girl likes you is to compliment or flirt with her. If she smiles and blushes, she also likes you.

However, be careful when flirting with a shy girl; there is a thin line between flirting and coming on too strong, so if you see her getting uncomfortable, stop flirting.

5. She Laughs At Your Jokes

When a shy girl has a crush on you, she will laugh at your jokes. If you are in a group and you crack a joke, you can count on her to laugh at your jokes.

So, if a girl laughs at your jokes, even if it’s not funny, she has a crush on you. She laughs at your jokes, so you can notice her and hopefully take the first step.

6. She Looks At You A Certain Way

If a shy girl has a crush on you, she will look at you a certain way. According to the Journal of Sex Research, there are facial expressions and body language that show someone is attracted to you.

According to this research, the magic looks from an interested woman gets positive responses from men.

So, if a shy girl is looking at you with her head turned to one side and tilted down slightly, with a smile and her eyes looking towards you, she is interested in you.

Moreover, most men find this look attractive.

7. She Remember The Small Details

One of the signs someone has a crush on you is if they remember details about you. When you talk to someone who has a crush on you, they will pay extra attention to you and will retain everything you tell them.

For instance, I once dated this guy who could remember every small detail I told him. I don’t know if he had a photographic memory, but he remembered even those things you say in passing. This was a breath of fresh air because most men never listen or listen to answers.

Dr. Shannon Kolakowski states, “If a shy girl remembers details about your life or interests, it could be a sign that she’s paying attention to you and wants to get to know you better.”

So, if a shy girl has a crush on you, she will remember all your minute details because she likes you; we only remember important things. So, if a shy girl remembers minor details about you, you are important to her.

8. She Mirrors You

If a shy girl likes you, she will subconsciously mirror your movements. Mirroring is her way of subtly showing you she is interested.

Psychologists say mirroring builds trust, creates rapport, and communicates empathy and understanding.

So, if a shy girl is copying your movements, such as your body posture, facial expressions, and gestures, she is trying to create a bond between you.

Moreover, mirroring shows you that she is interested in what you are saying and is fully engaged in the conversation. 

9. She Tries To Prolong Your Conversation

 If you have a conversation with a shy girl who has a crush on you, she will try to prolong the conversation.

If you are chatting over text, she will send you memes to get you to talk more. They may also show you their playful side by telling funny stories to make you laugh. 

If a shy girl wants to prolong a conversation with you, she will tell you about her interests and tell you about theirs. What you talk about doesn’t matter; she just wants to talk to you. 

10. She compliments you

If a shy girl likes you, she will compliment you. We all like compliments, so if a shy girl has a crush on you, she will compliment you a lot.

For instance, if you work with her, she will compliment your work. She will also compliment your clothes.

Moreover, a shy girl will notice all the minor details about you and compliment you on things you have never even noticed, like your voice, how you talk, or how you do your work.

When she compliments you, she tries to get you to notice her by being friendly and paying attention to you.

11. She Cares About Her Appearance When He Is Around You

If a shy girl has a crush on you, she will try to look her best when she meets you. When a girl likes you, she will worry about her looks and adjust her appearance to look the best around you.

You will notice her adjusting her clothes, running her fingers through her hair, or trying to wipe away imaginary dirt on her clothes. She tries to keep her appearance great when she is around you.

12. She Touches You

If a shy girl has a crush on you, she will find an excuse to touch you. She may not be broad enough to walk up to you and hold your hand, but she will accidentally brush against you to initiate physical contact with you.

For instance, if you are in class together, she may ask you a question and get close to you so she can have a little contact with you.

Moreover, she may bump into you in the hallways or pick you as her partner for class projects.

13. She Talks To Other Guys And Not You

If a shy girl likes you, she will talk with other guys but avoid you. I know this is hard to believe, but when a shy girl likes you, she will avoid you because you make her nervous, and she would rather admire you from a distance than come near you and make a fool of herself.

If you walk up to her in a group and she starts talking to other guys, she tries to avoid talking to you because you make her nervous. She wants to be around you but doesn’t know how to start a conversation with you.

14. She Texts You A Lot

If a shy girl likes you, she will text you a lot. She may not know how to start a conversation with you in person because you make her nervous. However, when you are apart, she will be more comfortable talking to you over text.

Shy girls have a hard time maintaining eye contact with you if they like you. So, she will be comfortable talking to you via text message because she wants to know you better.

15. She Tries To Impress You

If a shy girl has a crush on you, she will try to impress you. For instance, if you work together, she will do things you like to try and impress you.

Moreover, a shy girl will want to leave a lasting impression on you; she doesn’t want to be easily forgotten and will do everything to ensure you remember her.

For instance, if she plays a sport, she will do her best to show off her skills to impress you.

She may even start doing things you like. For example, if you like a certain designer, she may begin to wear their clothes so you may notice her.

16. She Follows You On Social Media

In this technological age, when you like someone, you first look them up online and follow their social media pages. So, if a shy girl likes you, she will follow you on social media and like your posts.

If a shy girl has a crush on you, they will like all your posts on social media. Whether you post a photo or a silly post, they will like it to get you to notice them.

17. She Leans Toward You

If a shy girl has a crush on you, she will involuntarily lean toward you when talking to you. Leaning in shows she wants to bridge the gap between you when talking to you.

If someone leans towards you when talking to you, it shows they are attracted to you, and leaning in shows a desire for greater intimacy.

It also shows she is interested in what you are saying and paying extra attention to you.

18. Her Feet Point Toward You

Body language is a shy girl’s go-to when attracted to someone. So, if a shy girl has a crush on you, she will point her feet toward you when she is talking to you.

According to Ronald Riggio, author of The Practice of Leadership: Developing the Next Generation of Leaders, non-verbal communication cues lead to greater physical attraction. People tend to be non-verbally seductive. 

If a shy girl likes you, her feet will face you in an open stance, especially if they do anytime they are around you. You may find that her feet point towards you even when she is talking to someone else. 

This is because our feet will always point toward where we want to go, and this position also closes the space between you. 

19. She Is Interested in Knowing Your Interests

If a shy girl has a crush on you, she is interested in knowing more about you; she will want to know what makes you tick.

So when you text, she will ask questions about your hobbies and interests and may even want to know more about your family.

Some girls will take an interest in your hobbies so they can spend more time with you or at least around you, even if they barely talk to you.

Wanting to know more about you is her way of showing you she likes you and wants to connect with you.

20. Her Friends Giggle When You Are Around

If a shy girl has a crush on you, she will tell her friends about you. So, if her friends always giggle when you are around, they know she likes you, and she has told them all about you.

A shy girl will not show you her feelings but will tell her friends how she feels about you.

21. She Asks Your Friend About You

If you like someone, the best way to get to them is through their friends. So, if a shy girl has a crush on you, she will talk to your friends to learn more about you.

She will ask your friends what you like and where you hang out so she can “bump into you.” Moreover, she will want to know your interests to position herself where you will notice her.

22. Her Voice Gets Higher

According to research, women talk in a higher voice to men they find attractive. So, if a shy girl’s voice goes up an octave when talking to you, she likes you.

The higher voice occurs because she is nervous or excited to talk to you. After all, she finds you attractive.

23. She Is Jealous

If a shy girl has a crush on you, she will get jealous when you flirt with other girls. No one wants to see their love interest talking with other people.

So, if a shy girl gets irritated when you talk to other girls, it means she has a crush on you, and seeing you talk to other girls is crashing her.

24. Her Friends Tell You She Likes You

Sometimes the only way to know if a shy girl has a crush on you is if someone else tells you. If a shy girl likes you, she will tell her friends about you even if she does not dare to approach you.

So, if her friends approach you and tell you the shy girl likes you believe them because they are the only ones who know her. So, if you like a shy girl, talk to her friends and they will tell you if she likes you too.

25. She Plays With Her Hair

When a shy girl has a crush on you, she will be nervous when she talks to you and start playing with her hair to hide her nervousness.

According to Kolakowski, “Nervousness is a common reaction to attraction. If a shy girl gets nervous around you, she likes you, and she may fidget with her hair and clothing.”

What To Do If A Shy Girl Has A Crush On You

You are used to the confident and loud girls, and here comes a shy girl who likes you. So what’s next?

When a shy girl likes you, you should make the first move; after all, you are confident that she likes you, and your job is basically half done.

Approach her, and don’t come on too strong; you may scare her off. Moreover, do not try to play games with her; she is attentive and will notice if the slightest thing is off.

Bottom Line

Shyness often makes it difficult to express our feelings, especially when we are romantically attracted to someone.

So, if a shy girl has a crush on you, you may notice some signs even if she does not tell you outright she likes you.

Some signs that show a shy girl has a crush on you include; playing with her hair, she goes out of her way to help you, you feel her looking at you, and she blushes when you talk to her.

Moreover, a shy girl will compliment you and make excuses to touch you or try to impress you if she has a crush on you.

If you see some of these signs from a shy girl, she has a crush on you. However, knowing that everyone is different is important, and not all shy girls will exhibit the same behaviors.

So, if you think a shy girl has a crush on you, it’s better to approach her and ask her whether she has feelings for you.

Photo by Pragyan Bezbaruah on Pexels.com

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