11 Signs Your Husband Is Attracted To You

If you are looking for a sign your husband is attracted to you, read on to learn the signs

Many factors help to keep the marriage alive. However, physical and emotional attraction is integral to keeping the spark alive. 

Sometimes you may not believe your husband is still attracted to you even if he comes holding a giant sign saying he does. 

Many women want reassurance in their marriages because they may feel their husbands are not attracted to them. 

Signs Your Husband Is Attracted To You

Many things show your husband is attracted to you. Some may be obvious, while some not so obvious.

Here are several signs your husband is attracted to you. 

1. He Wants To Be Intimate With You

One of the major signs your husband is attracted to you is being intimate with you. For any relationship to thrive, there must be physical and emotional intimacy.

If your husband wants to connect with you emotionally, he will have deep conversations and listen to you. 

Moreover, if your husband is attracted to you, he will want to be physically intimate with you. Life gets in the way sometimes, and people neglect their physical intimacy in marriages. 

However, if your husband wants to be physically intimate with you as much as possible, he is attracted to you. 

Sometimes your husband may love you and not be attracted to you, and many marriages suffer from this. 

For instance, if you have had kids and your body changes, you may feel like your husband loves you and is not attracted to you. 

However, a man who loves you will still be attracted to you even when your body changes. 

According to psychologist Dr. Laurie Watson, initiating intimacy shows your partner you desire and prioritize them. So, if your husband initiates intimacy with you, he is attracted to you.

2. He Compliments You

If your husband is attracted to you, he will compliment you every chance. Ladies love compliments, and men know this.

If your husband is attracted to you, he will compliment you because he knows it will bring a smile to your face, and he wants to make you happy.

A man who loves you will tell you you are beautiful and compliment you when you have a new hairstyle or dress.

He notices your looks, actions, and moves and makes a point of voicing his admiration to make you smile.

Dr. John Gottman says, “Compliments are a reflection of admiration and genuine interest in your partner.”

So, if your husband compliments you regularly, he admires you and is attracted to you.

3. He Wants To Spend Time With You

If you love someone, you want to spend as much time as possible with them. If your husband likes spending time with you, he is attracted to you.

A man attracted to you will want to have as much alone time with you as possible.

So, if your husband makes time to spend with you, plans date nights, and wants to be alone with you, he is attracted to you.

He knows spending time with you will enhance your bond, and when you are away, he will miss you.

So, if your husband plans date nights alone and plans for babysitting services so you can have time alone, even if it’s a night in with a movie and snacks, he is attracted to you.

4. He Maintains Eye Contact

If your husband maintains eye contact with you, he is attracted to you. Eye contact is a powerful non-verbal way of expressing attraction and emotional intimacy.

According to a study in the Journal of Research in Personality, when two people gaze into each other’s eyes for two minutes, it is enough to produce feelings for each other.

Eye contact indicates genuine interest and emotional connection, so if your husband maintains eye contact when you talk to him, he is attracted to you.

5. He Listens To You

There is a big difference between listening and hearing. If your husband listens to you, he is attracted to you.

Some husbands will pretend to listen to their wives, but they are not listening to them; they don’t pay attention to what their wives say.

So, if your husband actively listens to you and takes note of the spoken and unspoken words, he is attracted to you.

If he listens to you, he indirectly tells you he cares for you and what you say matters to him.

If you want to know if your husband is listening to you, pay attention to his body language and behavior during conversations.

Does he mirror your gestures, maintaining eye contact and smiling at you as you speak?

Does he seem to remember details about what you’ve said, asking questions or for clarification to show his engagement?

Moreover, when your husband actively listens to you, it shows genuine interest in your thoughts and feelings and demonstrates emotional attraction.

Gottman says active listening is a fundamental aspect of healthy communication in a relationship.

So, if your husband puts away his phone and gives you his full attention when you talk about your day, asks questions, and maintains eye contact, he is attracted to you.

6. He Shows You Signs Of Physical Attraction

If your husband is attracted to you, he will show signs of physical attraction. He will hug, kiss, and hold hands with you.

Your husband may not be into public displays of affection, but he will show you he loves you and is attracted to you in private.

Moreover, if your husband is attracted to you, he will try to mark his territory when in public with you. He will kiss and hug you in front of everyone to show them you are his and he loves you.

If you have lost the spark in your relationship, your husband will not want to touch you or show any love to you. 

On the other hand, if he is attracted to you, he will want you to be near him and will want to touch you.

Dr. Sue Johnson, author of Hold Me Tight, says, “Affectionate touch fosters a sense of security and emotional connection between partners.”

So, if your husband is constantly hugging, kissing, holding, and playing with you, whether alone or in public, he is attracted to you.

7. He Surprises You

If your husband still surprises you with gifts and other surprises, he is attracted to you. Everyone loves a pleasant surprise; a gift will make you feel special and loved.

Surprises are amazing in marriages, and they don’t have to be big surprises or gifts, for that matter.

For instance, it is a welcome surprise when you are having a hard day at work, and your husband comes home early from work, prepares dinner, does homework with the kids, puts them to bed, and draws you a bath so you can relax.

This shows your husband cares for your well-being and wants you to take care of yourself because he is still attracted to you.   

Moreover, if your husband brings you flowers and candy just because he is attracted to you, he still has a soft spot for you and wants to see you happy.

Surprises don’t have to be something big; it is something to show your husband was thinking of you when you were not together.

8. He Is Vulnerable With You

If your husband shares his deepest fears and insecurities with you, he is attracted to you. Being emotionally vulnerable is essential in building the bond between partners.

So, if your husband is willing to open up to and share his vulnerabilities, he trusts and loves you and knows you will be in his corner.

We can only open up to people we trust, so if your husband shares his hopes, ambitions, insecurities, and fears with you, he knows you will understand and support him.

Emotional vulnerability fosters emotional intimacy and trust; if your husband is vulnerable with you, he trusts you and is attracted to you.

9. He Supports You

There is nothing that says I love you, and I am attracted to you more than unwavering support. If your husband supports you, he is attracted to you.

If your husband supports you through thick and thin, it is a sign from God he is right for you. Many people are in marriages where there is no support. 

So, if your husband supports you emotionally, psychologically, and financially, he is attracted to you.

Your husband should be your number-one cheerleader. He will support your decisions and ambitions and even push you to do better because he cares for your well-being, fulfillment, and happiness.

10. He Flirts With You

If your husband flirts with you, he is attracted to you. Some people think that after marriage, you are not supposed to flirt with your wife. This is a big misconception.

When you flirt with your wife, it shows her she is still attractive and you still desire her. If you flirt with your wife, it builds her self-esteem and makes her feel desirable.

If when you are courting her, you would flirt with her to make her feel good about herself, why should you stop now that you are with her and you still want her to feel good about herself?

So, if your husband flirts with you, teases, and even sexts with you, he is attracted to you.

He knows it makes you feel good, keeps the spark alive, and shows he still craves you after all these years.

11. He Is Grateful

Gratitude is a sign of appreciation and recognition of the positive aspects of your relationship. If your husband is grateful for what you do for him and the relationship, he is attracted to you.

For instance, if he appreciates and regularly acknowledges your contributions to home, like taking care of the kids, making him dinner, and keeping the household in order, he is attracted to you.

Dr. Robert Emmons, a leading gratitude researcher, says, “Gratitude positively impacts relationships, enhancing feelings of connection.”

So, if your husband is grateful, he is attracted to you and wants to connect better with you.

Final Thoughts

Marriage is beautiful, and everyone should strive to keep attraction for their partners alive in marriage. However, sometimes women doubt their husbands’ attraction.

There are many signs your husband is attracted to you; some include; initiating physical intimacy, maintaining eye contact, complimenting you, and spending time with you.

Moreover, if your husband is attracted to you, he will show signs of physical attraction, listen to you, flirt with you, and surprise you.

Additionally, a husband attracted to you will be grateful, vulnerable with you, and support you. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/happy-couple-lying-in-bed-and-hugging-each-other-3756346/

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