16 Signs He Has A Soft Spot For You

In this article, we will look at the signs he has a soft spot for you.

Sometimes a man can have a soft spot for you and not have the guts to tell you. It is hard to know the true feelings of someone towards you if they do not tell you how they feel about you.

Men are complex, and you may not know how they feel about you.

So, if you have a soft spot for someone and you are wondering if they have the same feelings for you, there are several signs you can look out for.

Signs He Has A Soft Spot For You

If you are wondering if a guy has feelings for you, here are signs he has a soft spot for you.

1. He Smiles When He Is Around You

When you like someone, you can’t help but smile when you see them. So, if a man always smiles around you, he likes you.

A man may not tell you how he feels, but when he is around you, he will be happy and smile when talking to you.

So, if a guy’s eyes sparkle when talking to you, you make him happy, and he is comfortable around you.

2. His Friends Tease Him

A guy with a soft spot for you will tell his friends or ask their opinions about you. So, if you are around him and his friends tease him about you, he has a soft spot for you.

However, you should not take every tease or joke to mean he likes you. The friends could be having an inside joke about something else.

3. He Notices Everything About You

If a guy has a soft spot for you, he pays attention to you and notices all the minute details about you.

Men are not always attentive to the little changes in girls. So, if a guy notices the little changes, he has a soft spot for you and pays close attention to you.

For instance, if you change your hairstyle and he notices and compliments you, he has a soft spot for you.

For example, I almost always wear the same hairstyle; one day, after a trip to the salon, a guy complimented me.

Not many people could tell it was a fresh hairstyle, but he noticed. He is my boyfriend today.

4. He Wants To Spend Time With You

When you like someone, you take every opportunity to spend time with them. If a man has a soft spot for you, he will make time for you no matter how busy he is.

A man with a soft spot for you will ensure he spends time with you. It will not matter what you will do as long as you are together.

If a man has a soft spot for you, he will go with you on a shopping spree if it means spending quality time with you.

We all know most men hate shopping, and a man willing to have you drag him through numerous stores likes you.

5. He Shows You Off

If a man has a soft spot for you, he will show you off to everyone. He will introduce you to his family and friends and even post you on his social media.

In this technological age, if you like someone, you post their photos on your social media platforms, so if a guy has a soft spot for you, he will show you off on his social media and with his friends and family.

Moreover, if he has a soft spot for you, he will want people to see you with him and will take you to all his social events.

He wants to announce he is with you from the hilltops even though he doesn’t tell you he likes you yet.

6. He Prioritizes Your Needs

If a guy has a soft spot for you, he will prioritize your needs over other people. You will be his priority and feel his presence in your life.

For instance, if he has a soft spot for you, he will want to spend it on you; if you have a problem, he will come through for you.

A guy with a soft spot for you will anticipate your needs and cater to them without you having to ask him.

Dr. Julie Gottman, a therapist, says, “A person with a soft spot for you will prioritize your needs, demonstrating their commitment to your happiness and well-being.”

So, if a guy always wants the best for you and caters to your needs, he has a soft spot for you.

7. He Is Interested In What You Do

If a guy has a soft spot for you, he will be interested in your life. He will want to learn about your interests, hobbies, and work.

He will want you to involve him in your hobbies and will even learn about them in his spare time so he can impress you when you get together.

For instance, if your hobby is hiking, a guy with a soft spot for you will learn everything there is to learn about hiking; he will even look up the best places to go hiking in your area so he can ask you to go hiking with him.

For example, I love reading and watching movies; when I told my boyfriend these were my hobbies when we met, he would recommend movies and books he thought I would like.

He would also get movies in the genre I like so that we can watch them together.

Dr. Carla Marie Manly says, “When a person takes an interest in your hobbies, passions, and activities, it demonstrates their desire to connect and bond with you on a deeper level.”

8. He Is Emotionally Available

If a man has a soft spot for you, he will be emotionally available for you.

He will give you a shoulder to lean on when you are going through difficulties and will help you work through your problems.

Moreover, if he has a soft spot for you, he will share his vulnerabilities and embrace yours. He will always open up to you when he is going through something.

A guy with a soft spot for you will create a safe space for you to be yourself and have emotional intimacy. He will always validate your feelings and give you a safe space to talk about your feelings.

9. He Protects You

A guy with a soft spot for you will protect you from all harm. There is little that says I like you more than wanting to protect someone. So, if a guy protects you from harm and hurt, he has a soft spot for you.

Sometimes you may not perceive the danger, but a guy with a soft spot for you will protect you by all means.

If a guy likes you, he will protect you from yourself. For instance, if you are in a depressive state and indulging in substance abuse, if he has a soft spot for you, he will protect you by keeping all substances away from you.

10. He Is Supportive

He will be your number-one cheerleader if he has a soft spot for you. A guy with a soft spot for you will support you in all your endeavors.

If you want to take a new career or a new course in school, he will be there for you and clap for you.

A guy with a soft spot for you will support you emotionally, financially, and in any other way, he can. He will always be there for you, no matter what.

Sometimes you may have your friends turn against you, but if he has a soft spot for you, he will support you even if he is the only one standing by your side.

Moreover, a man with a soft spot for you will be your emotional rock. When you feel like the whole world is crumbling at your feet, he will be there to support and encourage you; he will be the wind beneath your wings.

For instance, if you are going through a hard time at work or you lose your job, a man with a soft spot for you will hold your hand as you go through your job search.

During this time, he may take some of the responsibilities off your plate to help ease your stress.   

Moreover, a guy with a soft spot for you will support your ambitions. For instance, if you live together, he will take up your share of the household chores to give you more time to concentrate on finishing your thesis or the work project standing between you and that corner office.

In addition, a guy with a soft post supports you even though your ambitions are greater than his, and your success will not threaten him or make him feel insecure.

11. He Doesn’t Get Mad At You

If he has a soft spot for you will not get mad at you. However, it is inevitable when you are close to someone; you are bound to do something that will anger them, knowingly or unknowingly.

A guy with a soft spot for you will not get mad at you even if you do something he hates. Instead, he will correct you with a lot of patience and will always give you a second chance.

12. He Makes You Feel Happy

He will always want to see you happy if he has a soft spot for you. Even if you are sad about your personal issues, he will do everything he can to cheer you up and make you smile again.

Your moods will automatically elevate even if you are feeling down and talking to him. We all feel happy when we talk to someone we care about, so talking to him will naturally make you happy.

According to studies, we are happier when we spend time with people we care about, so, if a guy has a soft spot for you, he will want to spend time with you, it makes him happier, and he spreads happiness to you.

A guy who wants to make you happy also helps you with your health because happiness has many health benefits, such as;

  • Boost the immune system.
  • It lowers blood pressure.
  • It reduces stress.
  • It relieves pains and aches.

13. He Thinks About You

If a guy has a soft spot for you, you will always be in his mind. When he has a soft spot for you, he will check up on you when you are not together. For example, he will text you asking if you have eaten or got to work safely.

He may also text you saying he has been thinking about you, he may not see you every day, but he will think about you when you are not together.  

14. He Is Different When You Are Around

A guy with a soft spot for you will act differently when you are around. For example, if he is talkative, he may be talking less because he wants to give you a chance to talk.

But, on the other hand, he may talk more when you are around to try and impress you.  

If he has a soft spot for you, he will treat you differently when he is around you. For example, if you are with his friends, he will give you preferential treatment to impress you.

15. He Accepts Your Flaws

A guy with a soft spot for you will accept you the way you are. No one is perfect, as much as we want to be, and if a guy has a soft spot for you, he will accept you with your flaws.

For instance, if you get angry easily, a guy who has a soft spot for you will accept you with your flaws and do his best not to annoy you.

16. He Asks for Your Opinion

If a guy has a soft spot for you, he respects your opinions and will seek your advice when he wants to make a difficult decision.

If you argue with him, he will give you a chance to air your opinions and will hold your opinions in high regard.

For instance, if he is going through a crisis at work, he may ask for your opinion about his troubles, consider your views, and even use your advice to get through the situation.

Related Readings: Signs A Guy Is Claiming You

Parting Shot

Men’s feelings are hard to decipher. So, if you like a guy and are wondering if he has a soft spot for you, too, you can look for signs he has a soft spot for you.

Some of these signs include; he smiles when he is around you, his friends tease him about you, he notices all the minute details about you, and he wants to spend time with you.

Moreover, if he has a soft spot for you, he will prioritize your needs, support and protect you, and take an interest in the things you like. He will also try to make you happy and will always protect you.

Additionally, a man with a soft spot for you will accept all your flaws, make you happy, think about you, and ask for your opinions.

Photo by Emma Bauso on Pexels.com

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