When A Woman Says She’s Been Thinking About You

“I have been thinking about you.” These words can make anyone’s day. We all want to know someone is thinking about us. However, these words can mean many things depending on who is saying them.

When a woman says you she’s been thinking about you, it is natural to wonder what she means. However, it is also important to understand that everyone is unique, and when she says it, it may have a different meaning from when another woman says it.

When a woman says she has been thinking about it, you need to know the context of this statement and consider your relationship with this woman. It could mean she is interested in you, or you are in her mind for whatever reason.

This article will examine what it means when a woman says she’s been thinking about you and what you can do about it.

What Does It Mean When A Woman Says She’s Been Thinking About You

Having someone tell you they have been thinking about you is amazing unless it’s someone you don’t want to talk to or owe money to. So, what does it mean when a woman tells you she’s been thinking about you? Here are several things that it could mean.

1. She Is Interested In You

One of the most common reasons a woman will say she has been thinking about you is if she is romantically interested in you.

If you have been on a few dates with a woman and she tells you she’s been thinking about you, she likes you, and is flirting with you.

This is a good sign that she wants to continue seeing you and wants to take things further. She is thinking about you because she enjoys spending time with you.

You should also look for other signs that she likes you. For instance, how does she say these words? Is she playful, laughing, or touching you when she says them?

If she is happy to see you and tells you she’s been thinking about you while touching you, she is definitely interested in you.

If you are interested in her, this is the best time to shoot your shot. Let her know you are interested in her and find her attractive. Let her know you want to explore the feelings and make the relationship work.

If you are unsure if she is interested in you, here are signs she is interested.

  • She tells her friends and family about you.
  • She makes an effort to keep the conversation going.
  • She is touchy-feely with you.
  • She smiles a lot when with you.
  • She laughs at your jokes, even the not-so-funny ones.
  • She is shy around you.
  • She blushes when she is talking to you.
  • She is open about her life.
  • She likes hanging out with you.

2. It Is A Conversation Starter

Many people have a challenge getting a conversation going, especially if it is someone they might be interested in. For example, when a woman tells you she’s been thinking about you, she wants to start a conversation with you.

When someone tells you they have been thinking about you, the natural response will be, “what were you thinking about?”

This will create a good way to start the conversation, and you will tell them what you have been thinking about. Then, the conversation will gravitate toward other issues, and you may talk for hours.

For instance, if I have not talked to someone for a while, I will naturally open with, “I have been thinking about you.” Then, when I meet or call them, it’s a great conversation starter and keeps the conversation going.

When a woman tells you they have been thinking about you, you can take the conversation in the direction you like.

3. She Wants To Reconnect

When a woman says she’s been thinking about you, it could mean she wants to reconnect with you. This could be someone you were friends with and lost touch with over time or someone you were in a relationship with and broke up with.

Moreover, if you are on a break with your girlfriend and she misses you, she will tell you she has been thinking about you.

When a woman wants to reconnect with you and sends you this message, you may want to evaluate your options. If it is an ex who has come from the woodwork, you should be careful before reconnecting with them.

Remember why you broke up in the first place. Is it safe for you and your mental health to reconnect with them?

If you are taking a break from your relationship and your girlfriend says she’s been thinking about you, it is because she misses you.

You should talk about the terms of your break, and if you are both comfortable with reconnecting, you can reconnect.

According to Samantha Burns, couple therapist and author of Breaking Up and Bouncing Back Up, being on a break mean you intend to get back together.

So, when your girlfriend says she’s been thinking about you during a break, it may be time to call off the break and reconnect.

If it is a long-lost friend you would want to reconnect with, tell her you will be happy to reconnect and catch up.

However, if you do not want to reconnect, it is important to be honest with her and let her know. You should not lead her on and give her false hopes.

4. She Needs Something From You

Another common reason a woman tells you she has been thinking about you is if she needs something from you. It’s cliché, I know.

If a woman wants something from you, she says she’s been thinking about you. It could be she wants a favor, needs you to do something for her, or needs your opinion on something.

You will always think of someone who can help you when you need something. So, a woman will tell you she’s been thinking about you if she knows you are reliable and can help her with what she needs.

For instance, I have my go-to friend when I need something; he knows he can come to me when he needs help.

Whenever I need something to do with work, I know he is always there for me, and he is the first person I think about when I have a work problem.

So, if you can help her, tell her you are happy to do so. This is a good opportunity to show her you care if you are interested in her.

However, if you cannot help, be honest with her. You may also offer to get someone to help her with what she needs.

5. She Wants To Apologize

If a woman has wronged you and says she’s been thinking about you, she wants to apologize. For example, if a woman did something to hurt you or tried to make you jealous, she may want to make amends and say she has been thinking about you.

It will be a good way to start a conversation for her to apologize to you.

6. She Is Grateful

A woman will say she’s been thinking about you if you did something for her, and she is grateful. She will want to express her gratitude, and this creates an avenue to express their gratitude.

For instance, when someone helps me with something or gives me something, I will think about them when I use the item they gave me.

If I happen to call them or meet them, I will tell them I have been thinking about them and express my gratitude for what they did or gave me.

7. You Intrigue Her

If a woman finds you intriguing, she will say she’s been thinking about you. It could be that she finds you interesting and is thinking about you because she finds you attractive.

On the other hand, she could be interested in something you said and is curious about you. For example, she may want to know more about your hobbies and interests.

It could mean she is interested in knowing more about you but may not be interested in you yet; though it is a good sign, it could lead to something more.

For instance, when I meet someone intriguing, the detective in me is awakened; I want to know everything there is to know about that person.

I want to know what makes them tick. If they are interesting enough, I may pursue a relationship or a friendship with them.

8. You Left A Lasting Impression

If you have a conversation with a woman and leave a lasting impression, she will think about you.

This doesn’t mean she wants to pursue a romantic relationship with you; it could be that she is impressed by your accomplishment and wants to be friends with you or wants you to be her mentor.

What To Say When A Woman Says She’s Been Thinking About You

When a woman says she’s been thinking about you, it may catch you off guard, and you may not know how to reply. So here are a few things you can say.

  • “oh yeah, I have been thinking about you too.”
  • “I am glad I am on your mind- I was thinking about you too.”
  • “Only good things, I hope.”
  • “Thanks. I am lucky to have a friend like you.”
  • “What were you thinking about? Tell me more.”

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When A Guy Asks ‘What Do You Think Of Me’? (How To Answer)


Knowing that someone is thinking about you is a good thing. When a woman says she’s been thinking about you, it could mean many things depending on your relationship with her.

If she is a friend, it could be she wants something from you or wants to thank you for something you did for her.

A woman may also say she is thinking about you if she is interested in you or wants to apologize. Moreover, if you intrigue her or leave a lasting impression, she will think about you. She may also want to reconnect with you or start a conversation.

Photo by Marcio Skull on Pexels.com

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