20 Signs Your Baby Daddy Is Over You

In this article, we will look at some common signs your baby daddy is over you.

Understanding the signs your baby daddy is over you will help you make informed decisions about your life and your child.

Having a baby with someone you love is a beautiful experience. However, things don’t always work out, and your relationship may end.  

Navigating a co-parenting relationship after a breakup can be emotionally challenging, especially when there are lingering feelings and uncertainties.  

It can be hard to move on when you have a baby together; however, knowing when your baby daddy is over you is essential.

Signs Your Baby Daddy Is Over You

You may not always know when your baby daddy gets over you, but there will be signs. Here are several signs your baby daddy is over you.

1. He limits Communication With You

One of the telltale signs your baby daddy is over you is a lack of communication or limited communication.

If your baby daddy is no longer interested in talking to you or limits your conversations to the baby’s issues, he is over you.

If you notice a significant decline in the frequency and depth of your conversations, he is getting over you.

For instance, your baby daddy would call you and talk for a long time about your life, and he no longer wants to talk about it anymore; he is getting over you.

Moreover, he is over you if he no longer picks up your calls or answers your texts, texts only on weekdays, and limits your face-to-face conversations.

2. He makes No Effort

When your baby daddy is over you, he makes no effort with you, when a man is interested in a woman, he makes an effort to make her feel loved and appreciated.

A man will move heaven and earth for the woman he is interested in. So, when your baby daddy is no longer putting effort into your relationship, he is over you.

We all want to feel loved and appreciated in our relationships. You also make efforts to make your partner feel loved and appreciated when you are invested in the relationship.  

So, if your baby daddy is no longer invested in the relationship, he is over you, and it may be time to let go.

Lack of effort may manifest in many ways, such as canceled dates, not showing up when he says he will, not taking care of the baby, and not putting effort into making you feel special.

3. He Is Emotionally Distant

Emotional connection is vital in every relationship; if your baby daddy is over you, he will be emotionally distant.

So, if your baby daddy seems disinterested in conversations or less engaged, he is over you.

Moreover, if he is not interested in your feelings and gets upset when you talk about your feelings, he is no longer interested in emotionally connecting with you.

Some other signs of emotional detachment are not being supportive and not being empathetic towards you.

Your baby daddy is over you if he is emotionally distant from you.

4. He makes Minimal Effort In Co-Parenting

If your baby daddy is getting over you, he will neglect his co-parenting duties. He will no longer want to participate in the co-parenting duties.

According to therapist Dr. Rachel Needle, when someone is no longer interested in the relationship, they may show less motivation or involvement in shared parenting tasks.

For instance, he will not want to support the child and may fail to show up when he needs to pick up the child.  

When you notice a decline in your baby daddy’s willingness to participate actively in co-parenting activities, it might be a sign he is distancing himself emotionally.

For instance, my friend broke up with her baby daddy a while back; they had a good co-parenting system going on for a while.

However, after several months, the guy started absconding from his co-parenting duties, he would fail to pick up the kid when he promised to take her out, and my friend had to lie for him.

After a while, he would not even send his share of child support, and things went downhill from there. Suffice it to say my friend is raising her kid all by herself. 

5. He Is Not Jealous

Men are jealous by nature. According to research, men are jealous because they are concerned about losing their partner, while women are concerned about the relationship quality.

So, if your baby daddy is no longer jealous when you talk to other guys or go out with them, he is over you and is letting you go.

Someone who wants to be with you is afraid to lose you, so if your baby daddy is unwilling to fight for you and win you back when you date other people, it is a clear sign he is over you.

Related: Signs Of A Jealous Baby Daddy

6. He Is Avoiding You

When you are interested in someone, you want to spend all your spare time with them and will go above and beyond to create time for you.

So, if your baby daddy is avoiding you, he is over you. He is no longer interested in spending time with you.

When your baby daddy avoids you, he will ignore your calls and texts and break your dates last minute.

7. He does Not include you in His Future Plans

When your baby daddy is over you, you will not feature in his future plans. A major sign that your relationship is going steady is when you have future plans with your partner.

For instance, if you plan on moving in together and planning your vacations and investments together, there is hope for the relationship.

On the other hand, if your baby daddy doesn’t involve you in future plans and will not commit to any long-term plans you make, he is over you.

8. Lack Of Physical Intimacy

When you are in love with someone, you will be physically intimate every chance you get. However, when your baby daddy is over you, he will not want to be intimate with you.

Your baby daddy’s lack of intimacy can manifest in many ways; for instance, he will avoid touching you, and if he liked holding hands when you walk, he will no longer do it.

Moreover, he will no longer initiate sex and will not be affectionate to you anymore.

Physical intimacy is important in a relationship, it creates a bond between the partners, and if it is lacking, the relationship is as good as dead.

9. He Is Dating Other Women

If your baby daddy has a new girlfriend or looks at other females online, he is over you.

There is no more obvious sign he is over you than seeing him date another woman.

However, some men will date other women to make their baby mamas jealous. So, if your baby daddy is making an effort in your relationship, he may be dating to make you jealous.

On the other hand, if your baby daddy doesn’t make an effort in your relationship and is dating other women, it shows he is over you and is ready to move on.

10. He Is Never Around When You Need Him

When you are in a relationship with someone or co-parenting, he will be there for you when you are in trouble. However, if your baby daddy is not around when you need him, he is over you.

Having a partner means you have someone to run to when you are in trouble or need a shoulder to lean on. However, if your baby daddy is unavailable when you need him, he is over you.

For instance, in a healthy co-parenting situation, your baby daddy will come to your rescue if you have trouble with the kids; he will show up for school meetings and be there for hospital visits.

Sometimes, you need a sounding board when disciplining your children, and who is better for this than your baby daddy?

However, if your baby daddy is over you, he will not show up for you or the kids when they are in trouble.

11. He Disappears Without Explanations

When your baby daddy keeps disappearing without any explanation, he could be over you.

He will go long without calling you or responding to your messages. Moreover, he may even get annoyed when you ask him about his whereabouts.

On the one hand, he could be disappearing because he is over you and doesn’t want anything to do with you; on the other hand, he may be busy with work or school and need some time alone to finish a project.

Moreover, if he disappears for long periods, it could be he is seeing someone new or igniting an old flame.

12. He Talks About Other Women

When your baby daddy starts talking about other women to your face, he is over you, and it is time to move on.

If a man talks about other women to your face, he may have shown you signs he is no longer interested in you, but you cannot see the signs through your rose-colored goggles.

So, he took the most obvious way to show you he is over you by talking about other women.

13. He Is Engaging In New Activities

According to Dr. Shannon Kolakowski, a psychologist, and author of Single, Shy, and Looking for Love, when someone is moving on, they often seek new activities and interests to fill the void. 

So, if your baby daddy is picking up new activities and interests, he is looking for things to fill up the time he spent with you.

He is investing more time in things that matter to him and may even pick up new hobbies. If your baby daddy is over you, he will invest his time pursuing new goals, hobbies, and interests.

Moreover, if our baby daddy is over you, he will prioritize his friends and family over you and the co-parenting. This is a sign he is exploring a new chapter of his life.

14. He Shows Support For Your Personal Life

When your baby daddy is over you, he will genuinely support your personal life. So, if your baby daddy asks you who you are dating or encourages you to go out and meet new people, he is over you.

If your baby daddy encourages you to date, he has accepted that your romantic relationship is over.

Dr. Sheri Meyers says healthy co-parenting involves respecting each other’s personal lives and choices.

So, if your baby daddy respects and encourages your choices, he is over you.

For instance, my cousin broke up with her baby daddy, and they had healthy co-parenting; after a while, my cousin’s ex would encourage my cousin to go out on dates and meet new people.

He was happy to stay with the child so she could have a little fun.

15. He Keeps Creating Boundaries

Boundaries are important when moving on from past relationships. So, if your baby daddy has established healthy boundaries and maintains them, he is over you.

For instance, your baby daddy may set boundaries regarding personal space, emotional boundaries, and communication limits.

For example, if he asks you not to call at certain times, sets what channels you can communicate on, or asks you not to come to his house unannounced, he is setting boundaries because he is over you.

He is creating boundaries because he is actively working towards creating a new dynamic and individual identity outside the relationship.

16. He Focuses On Himself

If your baby daddy starts focusing on himself, he could be over you. Many people put more effort into growing themselves when moving on from relationships.

So, if your boyfriend is taking more time to focus on his hobbies and hanging out with his friends, ambitions, or taking up new activities, he is over you.

Moreover, he could pick up new work assignments to help him grow in his career or a new course at school.

For example, I focused on myself when I broke up with a long-term boyfriend some years back. I enrolled in an undergraduate course and spent more time hanging out with my friends and playing badminton.

I took the extra time I had on my hands to focus on myself and better my future. So, if your baby daddy starts focusing on himself and bettering himself, he is over you.

17. He Exhibits Positive Change In Behavior And Attitude

When you are in an unhappy relationship, you will be moody and gloomy; you may even be rude to your partner and not show them affection.

However, when you move on and get a good partner who you love and value, you will be happier, more peaceful, and focus on your personal growth.

When someone has moved on, they will exhibit positive changes in their behavior and attitude. Moreover, they will be more focused on self-improvement and personal growth.

If your baby daddy has a positive change in behavior and attitude, he is over you, and the changes reflect their transition to a new chapter in their life.

18. He Seeks Closure

When your baby daddy starts initiating conversations about the relationship and expressing their desire for closure, they are over you.

When your baby daddy is ready to move on, he will seek closure and resolution of the relationship.

For instance, he may start arranging how to co-parent smoothly when you are away from each other or how to manage the time with the kids.

So, if your baby daddy demonstrates a commitment to moving forward in a healthy and constructive way, he is over you.   

19. He Is Not Interested In Your Life

When you are over someone, you don’t care what they do with their life. So, if your baby daddy is no longer interested in your life, he is over you.

For instance, he will stop asking about your day or future plans. He will not even be bothered if you are seeing other people. This is a telltale sign he is over and has moved on.

20. He Doesn’t Want To See Your Kid

If your baby daddy no longer makes an effort to see your child, it is a sign he is over you. When your baby daddy keeps breaking his plans to see your child, he is no longer interested in being in your life.

If he is canceling dates with your child last minute or doesn’t make an effort to spend time with them, he is over you.

Most baby daddies use the child as an excuse to stay in touch with their baby mamas if they still have feelings for them. So, if your baby daddy doesn’t try to see your child anymore, he is over you.

Final Thoughts 

It is hard to move on when you have a child with someone. However, knowing when your baby daddy is over you is important.

Many signs show your baby daddy is over you. Some of them include; he is no longer making efforts to see his child, no communication, no effort in the relationship, and being emotionally distant.

Moreover, if your baby daddy is avoiding you, not making future plans, creating boundaries, not being intimate, or dating other women, he is over you.

Additionally, if your baby daddy seeks closure, focuses on himself, and changes his attitude, he is over you.

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on Pexels.com

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