17 Clear Signs A Guy Is Claiming You

This article will help you identify signs a guy is claiming you. Read on to learn more.

Most times in romantic relationships, you may not know if someone is genuinely interested in you or is just there to pass the time.

In dating, there are some things a guy can do to show you he is making an effort to be with you. He will do things he will not do with other women.

You may have often heard a guy tell you, “I have never done this for someone else.” This may be true because there are some things a guy will only do if he is claiming you.

It is hard to decipher a guy’s intentions for you; however, there are some things a guy claiming you will do.

So, whether you are in the first stage of dating or have been dating for a while, there are signs you can look for to know if a guy is claiming you.

Signs A Guy Is Claiming You

Many signs show a guy is claiming you. There is a study that shows people across all cultures have similar habits when they love someone.

So, if you are wondering if he loves you and is claiming you, here are signs a guy is claiming you.

1. He Introduces You To His Inner Circle

When a guy is claiming you, he will introduce you to his inner circle. A man who loves you will want to show you off to his family and friends.

He wants everyone to know you are together and will even post you on his social media if he is into social media.

A guy claiming you want you to be part of his personal life and shows you he values your presence by introducing you to his inner circle.

So, if you have been dating a guy for a long time and have not met any of his friends and family, it shows he doesn’t love you. He doesn’t want you to meet his inner circle because you are just a fling.

Moreover, if a guy doesn’t introduce you to his inner circle, he will not want to meet your friends and family.

2. He Protects You

A guy who is claiming you will always protect you. However, it is important to know the difference between a guy who wants to protect you and one who wants to control you.

A guy who wants to protect you has your best interest at heart. He is doing it for you and not for himself. He will not take charge of your life and will not be overly possessive.

A guy claiming you will protect you from harm, danger, and criticism. It doesn’t matter whether the threat is perceived or real; he always has your back.

For instance, if a guy is protective of you, he will hold your hand when you cross the street; he will also walk on the outside of the street and will walk beside you.

Moreover, if a guy is protective of you, he will have your back when people criticize you.

For example, I love going for evening walks, so when I started dating my boyfriend, we would go on walks together.

One day I was walking on the side of the street; he crossed over, kept me away from traffic, and held my hand the whole walk.

That is when I knew he really loved me because he wanted to protect me.

3. He Makes An Effort With Your Loved Ones

If a guy is claiming you, he will want to be in the good graces of your family and friends. So he will make an effort with your loved ones.

According to psychologist Dr. Samuel Edwards, “When a guy is claiming you, he will make an effort to get to know and connect with your loved ones.

This demonstrates his commitment to your relationship and the importance he places on your family and friends.”  

So, if the person you are dating is making an effort to get to know your family and friends, he is showing you he wants to be in your life for the long haul. He is claiming his place in your life.

Sometimes your boyfriend may not always get along with your friends and family, but if he continually tries to connect with them, he is claiming you.  

For instance, my boyfriend makes an effort to connect with my family every chance he gets.

So when my brother visits, he hangs out with him and takes him out to spend time alone with him. It is incredible how quickly they became friends.

4. He Introduces You As His Girlfriend

When a guy is claiming you, he wants to shout from the mountaintops that you are his. He will always introduce you to everyone in his life.

Moreover, when introducing you, he will always introduce you as his girlfriend.

A guy claiming you has no time for people to play the guessing game. He will make sure he lets everyone know you are his girlfriend.

He is marking his territory and doesn’t want other people hitting on you.

5. He Wants To Spend Time With You

If a guy loves you, he wants to spend every waking hour with you. So, if a guy is claiming you, he wants to spend as much time as possible with you.

It doesn’t matter what you do when together as long as you are together.

He wants you to know he is willing to do whatever is necessary to be with you. Spending time with your partner is important to strengthen your bond, and he knows this all too well.

He will therefore sacrifice other things to have time with you.

6. He Is Jealous

A guy claiming you is jealous. He knows your value and doesn’t want other guys to have you.

Dr. Chris Barnes, a relationship psychologist, says, “While excessive jealousy can be unhealthy, a mild amount of possessiveness can indicate that a guy is claiming you. It shows that he values you and wants to protect the relationship.”

So, if your boyfriend is jealous -within reason, he wants to protect your relationship because he values you. A little jealousy is good because it shows he doesn’t want to lose you.

7. He Supports You

If a guy is claiming you, he will always support you. He will be there for you no matter what you are going through. He is your shoulder to lean on when you need one.

Moreover, a guy is claiming you will be your number-one cheerleader. In all your endeavors, you know you always have someone in your corner.

When a guy is claiming you, he wants you to feel his effect on your life. So he will support you in your career, school, and even family life.

If you are stressed, you know you have someone to run to. He will hold your hand and hold you up until you can stand on your own again.

A guy who is claiming you will support your choices. For instance, if you want to change your career path or course in school, he will support you.

He may not understand why you are doing it, but he will be there for you; even when things don’t work out the way you had hoped, he will support you without criticism.

8. He Will Always Choose You

There will always be better women than us, even if we all want to believe we are God’s gift to men. However, a guy is claiming you will always choose you above all women.

He doesn’t care if the other women are prettier than you, more educated than you, richer than you, or better lovers than you. He will choose you and continue choosing you no matter what.

You may even think he deserves someone better than you, but he will always choose you because you are what his heart wants.

Moreover, a guy claiming you will choose to be with you over doing other things.

For instance, if he gets an invitation to play video games with his friends and he is with you, he will choose to spend time with you.

He will choose you over his family and friends. He will always take your side if there is a disagreement involving you and his friends or family. He chooses you over everyone and everything.

9. He Wants To Move In With You

There is no better way of showing people you are together with someone than living with them. A guy claiming you will want you to move in with him.

He wants everyone to know you are his. Therefore, he always wants to be close to you, and there is no better way than being in the same house.

He knows that he gets to see you at the end of the day, which makes him happy. It also rubber-stamps his place in your life.

10. He Is Consistent

According to Emma Collins, a relationship therapist, consistency is crucial in determining if a guy is claiming you.

A guy claiming you will be reliable and follow through with his promises. Moreover, he will be there consistently, not only when it suits him.

So, if your boyfriend is always there for you, comes through when you need him, and supports you, he is claiming you.

A guy claiming you will show you affection and attention all the time. You always know where you stand with him; he doesn’t go from hot to cold every other minute.

If a guy is claiming you, he is always affectionate to you. He is not only affectionate in bed. He wants you to always feel his love and depend on him when you need something.

11. He Displays Affection Publicly

When a guy is claiming you, he will want to show everyone you are together and will not hesitate to show his affection publicly.

For instance, when you walk together, he will hold your hand, place his hand on your back when you go through doorways, and hug you.

He is not ashamed to be with you and wants everyone to know.

12. He Offers To Help

If a guy is claiming you, he wants you to feel his presence in your life. So he will always offer to help. It doesn’t matter what you are doing; he is your guy.

For instance, if you mention you want to move or are putting together new furniture, he will jump at the opportunity to help.

He wants to be your knight in shining armor. Even if he doesn’t know how to do what you want, he will find a way to help; he will offer to get someone to help you or go above and beyond to learn how to do it so he can help you.

Moreover, if you are going through a financial crisis, a guy claiming you will help you out.

He wants you to know you can count on him and show you he can take care of you.

Men only save this kind of effort when they are serious with you. So, if he always offers to help, he is claiming his space in your life.

13. He Prioritizes You

Some men prioritize their friends or family. But if a man is claiming you, you will be his priority. He wants you to know he will be there no matter what.

Even if he had prior arrangements and you call needing him, he will drop everything and come to you. A man claiming you will prioritize you over his sister, and we all know guys love their sisters.

For instance, if your boyfriend is invited to a social event, he will miss out on the event to spend time with you.

It shows he loves you and values your time more than the events and hanging out with his friends.

14. He Makes Future Plans With You

When a guy claims you, he plans with you in mind. It doesn’t matter how far into the future he is planning; you will always be part of his plans.  

If you are just a fling to someone, they will not include you in their future plans and will make excuses when you include them in yours.

However, when a guy is claiming you, he wants you to be part of everything he does.

For instance, if he is planning a vacation, he will include you in the plans; he may even ask you where you would prefer to go.

If he is investing, he wants you to be part of it and may even ask your opinion. He wants you to be part of the profits in the future.

The plan may be as simple as going for Christmas at his mom’s house, but he will always include you.

A guy claiming you may not know what the future holds, but he wants you in it.

15. He Is Emotionally Available

If a guy is claiming you, he will always be there for you emotionally. So when you feel like the world is crumbling under your feet, you can trust him to hold you up.

A guy claiming you will be your shoulder to lean on and the hand that wipes away your tears. He is ready to listen to you vent.

When you are going through a stress or a depressive patch, he will be there for you, to cheer you up, to hold your hand, and to give you a listening ear.

A guy claiming you will give you space to be vulnerable, and he will also trust you enough to be vulnerable with you.

He will acknowledge your feelings and walk with you through them when you need someone to help you through the dark days.

A guy claiming you will be your rock and the wind beneath your wings. As Rachel Platten says in her song Stand by You, he will give you his hand to put yours in and lend you his wings so yours can open.

A guy claiming you will always stand by you.

16. He Is Intimate With You

A guy claiming you will always want to be intimate with you. At first, this intimacy may be sexual and passionate, but he will seek other forms of intimacy as time goes by.

A guy claiming you will seek other ways to be intimate with you away from the passionate everyday sex.

When he gets comfortable with you, he will want to claim you in different ways and not only your body.

For instance, a guy claiming you will want to be near you; he wants to touch you and feel your presence at all times.

He will want to share his life stories with you, share his music, cook together, or do anything else that makes him feel closer to you.

For example, my boyfriend shows his intimacy by sharing nice music, movies, or memes he finds. This ensures we have something to talk about that we share.

We have also found that having a spa day at home brings us closer, and we try to have one at least once a month.

We get to be close to each other and talk; bonus, our skin looks amazing. It is a win-win.

17. He Respects You

A guy claiming you will respect you. He knows being disrespectful will have you kick him out of your life, and he wants to be with you for the long haul.

So, if a guy is claiming you, he will respect your physical and emotional boundaries.

For instance, when you ask him to give you space when you are going through something, he will honor your wishes.

He will respect your boundaries if you do not want to go somewhere or do something intimate.

He will always ask your comfort levels if he wants to do something and honor your limits.

Final Thoughts

It is hard to know when a guy is claiming you; however, there are several signs you can look out for.

Some signs include; being protective, wanting to spend time with you, introducing you to his inner circle, and making an effort with your loved ones.

Moreover, if a guy is claiming you, he will be jealous within reason, be intimate, support, and prioritize you in addition to being emotionally available and respecting your boundaries.

Additionally, a guy claiming you will always choose you wants to move in with you, offer to help, be consistent, and make future plans with you.

Photo by Edward Eyer on Pexels.com

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