9 Signs She Talks To Other Guys

Your girlfriend is suddenly glued to her phone, and it bothers you. Could she be talking to other guys? You wonder. 

So, does your partner being glued to her phone mean she is cheating? No. 

Many people spend their time on their phones texting friends or on social media. This is something we are all guilty of. I know it’s a menace. 

So, if your girlfriend is always on the phone, it does not necessarily mean she is talking to other guys. However, there are other signs she talks to other guys. 

This article will look at the signs she talks to other guys, the reasons she may be talking to other guys, and what you can do about it. 

Signs She Talks To Other Guys

Being on her phone all the time does not mean that your girlfriend is talking to other guys. She could be on social media or talking to her friends.

However, there are signs that she is not talking to friends and could be talking to other guys. 

1. Being Secretive About Their Phone And Social Media Use

If your girlfriend is secretive about her phone and does not want you to see her social media, she talks to other guys. 

When your girlfriend is always on her phone and does not want you to touch it or walks away when she receives calls, she is talking to other guys. 

Moreover, if your girlfriend is secretive about her social media use or lies about using social media a lot, she may be talking to other guys. 

For instance, I had a boyfriend who could never put his phone down. Every time he could be texting and receiving calls discreetly. It turns out he had a string of women he talked to the whole time we were dating. 

2. Constantly Checking Their Phone Or Messaging Apps

If your girlfriend constantly checks their phone even when spending time with you, she talks to other guys. 

Mathew Adams, a psychologist, says, “Sometimes, at the onset of cheating in a relationship, there’s a phone addiction problem.” So, if your girlfriend continuously checks her phone when you are together and is constantly on messaging apps, she talks to other guys. 

When you are in a relationship with someone, you want to spend time with them. However, if your girlfriend gives more attention to her phone and ignores you, she talks to other guys. 

“Moreover, women demonstrate love by wanting to spend more time with their partners, whether through chats or physical meetings. So when the opposite happens, it’s clear they’re talking to someone else,” Matthew adds.

3. Being Evasive When Questioned About Who They’re Talking To      

When your partner is talking to other guys, they will be evasive when you question who she is talking to.

If your girlfriend’s phone is blowing up all the time and when you ask who she is talking to, she is evasive and says “a friend” or worse, “nobody,” she is talking to other guys.

Moreover, if she gets angry when you ask who she is texting or gets defensive, she is talking to other guys.

4. She Changes Her Routine

If your girlfriend is a creature of habit and suddenly changes her routine, she is talking to other guys.

For instance, if your girlfriend came home from work or school, used the same routine, and kept the same hours. Then she changes her routine suddenly, which could mean she is talking to other guys.

When a girl starts talking to a new guy, she will go out of her way to make herself available to them. So, she will change her routine to accommodate the new guy in her life.

5. She Is Distracted

Your girlfriend is talking to other guys if she is distracted. On the other hand, when a girl is into you, she gives you her undivided attention.

However, if she is distracted when you talk to her and have to repeat yourself several times, she is not paying attention to what you say. It is worse when she is distracted by her phone; you know she is talking to other guys.

6. You Don’t Turn Her On Anymore

If your girlfriend talks to other guys, she will not want sex with you. One of the major signs she talks to other guys is if she does not want to have sex with you anymore.

For instance, if you sleep in the same bed, you will notice she will not want to touch you and will keep a distance between you.

There are many reasons your girlfriend may not be interested in sex, including hormonal changes and stress. However, she may not want sex with you if she talks to other guys. She could be fantasizing about other guys, and you will not turn her on.

7. Changing Their Appearance Or Fashion Choices

Girls want to look attractive to the people they like. So, if your girlfriend changes her appearance out of the blue, she is talking to other guys.

Ladies need to look good in front of guys they like. Clothes are a form of self-expression, and if a lady changes her dress code, she is trying to express herself differently.

So, if your girlfriend starts dressing differently without an explanation, she is trying to look good for someone else. For instance, she will start wearing revealing clothes, start doing makeup if she never did, and may even change her hairstyle.

If your girlfriend has a drastic change and gives excuses when you ask about the sudden change, she is talking to other guys and wants to look attractive to them.

However, you should understand your girlfriend has a right to freedom of expression according to international human rights law, and choosing their dress is their human right.

Moreover, clothes boost self-confidence, and your girlfriend may change her dress code to boost her self-esteem.

8. Mentioning Other Guys Frequently In Conversation

If your girlfriend talks to another guy, she will start talking about them all the time. So, if your girlfriend starts talking about a guy all the time and tells you he is just a friend, you should think twice about it.

When a girl likes someone, they will endlessly talk about them. So, that guy that is just a friend whose name can’t seem to leave your girlfriend’s lip may not be a friend.

For instance, when I like someone, I will talk about them to everyone who cares to listen; heck, I will talk about them if you are not listening. So, if your girlfriend starts talking about someone all the time, she likes them.

It is not easy hearing your partner talk about someone else. It makes you wonder what else they have done.

9. Being Overly Critical Of You Or Your Actions

Another sign your girlfriend talks to other guys is that she gets critical of you and everything you do. When a girl likes you, she sees you through rose-colored goggles. You can do no wrong in her eyes.

So, if your girlfriend becomes overly critical of all your actions, she is talking to other guys. She will criticize your dress code and your personality.

So, if your girlfriend starts asking why you are wearing something and why you could not have worn something else, it could be she has seen the guy she is talking to wear it and liked it.

Moreover, she may start criticizing your choices of foods and activities. For instance, if she is talking to a vegan, she will start criticizing you for eating meat or not exercising if she is talking to someone who is into exercise.

She may be criticizing you to push you away; if you get tired of her criticism, you will leave her to pursue the other guy she is talking to.

Reasons She Talks To Other Guys

It makes you insecure if your girlfriend talks to other guys. So you will want to know why she is talking to them. Here are several reasons why she talks to other guys.

1. She Wants To Make You Jealous

When a girl wants to make you jealous, you will get jealous even if you think you are secure. One of the main reasons she talks to other guys is to make you jealous.

Your girlfriend will talk to other guys and spend time with them if they want to make you jealous. A little jealousy is important in a relationship; it shows you value your partner and are afraid to lose them.

So, if your girlfriend talks to other guys, she may want to make you jealous and see how much you love her.

2. She Wants Your Attention

If you do not give your girlfriend the attention and affection she needs, she will talk to other guys to get attention from them.

Moreover, when your girlfriend talks to other guys, it will make you give her more attention, so she will not have time to talk to other guys.

Additionally, if you are not affectionate to your girlfriend and only affectionate in bed, your girlfriend will seek the attention she lacks from you in other guys.

For instance, if you ignore your girlfriend’s needs, she will start talking to other guys and mention them and what they do for her. If he sent her a thoughtful text, she would mention it.

She is trying to show you how thoughtful the other guys are and what they do to validate her and her feelings. The little things matter to ladies, so a little bit of attention and affection from you will go a long way to make her feel loved and appreciated.

4. She Doesn’t Like You

If your girlfriend is talking to other guys, she may not like you anymore. Moreover, she may use the relationship as a placeholder before getting the guys she wants to be with.

This is unfortunate, but it happens more often than you would like to admit. In the same way, guys talk to other females when in relationships; girls also talk to other guys to sample the best fit to be their long-term boyfriend.

So, if your girlfriend is talking to other guys, she may not be that into you.

5. She Wants To Control You

Sometimes your girlfriend talks to other guys to make you insecure and try and control you. This is an unfortunate reason to talk to other guys, but it happens.

If your girlfriend is talking to other guys to control you, you should think twice about the relationship, as this is gaslighting and will lead to a toxic and abusive relationship.

Your girlfriend may be a narcissist and want to control you by making you worried about other men.

According to Dr. Amelia Kelly, a trauma-informed therapist, gaslighting has many long-term effects, including; anxiety, depression, self-doubt, insecurity, and low self-esteem.    

So, if this is happening in the relationship, you should find ways to get out of the relationship instead of how to save the relationship.

What To Do If She Talks To Other Guys

When your girlfriend talks to other guys, you will worry and wonder what to do about it. So here are some things to do if she talks to other guys.

1. Accept Your Feelings

Jealousy is okay, and everyone gets jealous. When your girlfriend talks to other guys, the natural response is jealousy if you care about the relationship and are afraid to lose your girlfriend.

So, understand it is okay to feel your feelings. It is okay to be vulnerable.

2. Talk To Her

If your girlfriend is talking to other guys and it is making you jealous, talk to her. Communication is important in a relationship, so if you have issues with your girlfriend talking to other guys, tell her how you feel.

If she talks to other guys, you may be tempted to snoop on her phone and social media pages; this is exhausting.

Instead, tell her how it makes you feel when she talks to other guys. Ensure you use “I” statements when talking to her to avoid being accusatory.

If you are vulnerable with your girlfriend, she will understand your feelings and start paying more attention to you.

3. Leave The Relationship 

Suppose your girlfriend is talking to other guys because she doesn’t like you anymore or wants to get control over you. You should leave the relationship.

First, you do not want to stay in a relationship with someone who doesn’t love you or likes someone else. Moreover, it is time to run if your girlfriend talks to other guys to control you.

You do not want to be in a relationship with a gaslighter; it will drain you and leave you anxious, depressed, and with low self-esteem. They will also make you doubt yourself and may even make you have PTSD down the road.

Instead of dealing with these long-term adverse effects, leave the relationship and find peace in a place you are loved and appreciated. You deserve better.

Final Thoughts on Signs She Talks To Other Guys

When your girlfriend is talking to other guys, it does not necessarily mean she is cheating. There are many reasons she talks to other guys.

For instance, she could be seeking your attention, trying to make you jealous, wanting to control you, or not like you.

There are signs that she talks to other guys; they include; being secretive with her phone, changing her appearance, being distracted when you talk to her, or mentioning other guys constantly.

You should acknowledge your feelings if your girlfriend is talking to other guys. It is okay to be jealous.

You should therefore speak with her and make her understand how her behavior affects you. A candid conversation will help you understand why she talks to other guys.

You should leave the relationship if she talks to other guys because she doesn’t like you or wants to control you.

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

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