8 Signs Someone Cries A Lot

This article will explore the signs someone cries a lot, why they cry a lot, benefits, when to stop, and when to visit a doctor.

Whether you’re looking to help a friend or seeking to understand your own experiences, this article will provide valuable insights on crying.

Crying is natural, and everyone experiences the need to cry every once in a while. Many circumstances or reasons can cause someone to cry. 

Although people don’t know much about crying, some scientists believe that emotional tears are beneficial.

Someone might cry more frequently than they would like, even without a good reason. There is no limit on how much crying is beneficial because everyone is unique. Consider how often they cry and how it makes them feel.

In today’s world, crying is often seen as a sign of weakness. However, excessive crying can also be a symptom of deeper emotional or physical issues.

It’s important to understand the causes of excessive crying and how to support those who may be struggling with it.

According to research, women cry an average of 5.3 times a month, while men cry an average of 1.3 times. Crying helps release the feel-good hormones in the brain and enables one to feel better. 

While crying helps release endorphins and improve mood, it’s important to pay attention to the frequency and triggers of excessive crying.

Signs Someone Cries A Lot

If you find someone crying most time, you may wonder if they cry a lot. Let’s discuss some signs to look out for in someone who over cries.

1. Frequent Crying Episodes

Frequent crying might indicate that one cries too much. Someone may cry unexpectedly for various reasons. Even though the crying appears odd, there is likely a valid explanation. For instance, someone might cry unexpectedly if they have episodes of depression

If someone has a depressive disorder, they will experience frequent crying episodes. Sometimes they may have tears that seem spontaneous, but most tears have a cause. If someone cries more frequently than the average person, it is a sign that they cry too much. 

However, if one is a woman, you should not compare their crying to men’s, as men cry less frequently than women.

This is because the testosterone in men makes it harder for them to cry, while prolactin, which is higher in women, promotes crying. 

2. Difficulty Controlling Or Stopping Crying

Uncontrollable sobbing fits can be frustrating and uncomfortable, especially if there isn’t an apparent reason why they’re happening and there isn’t much one can do to stop them. If someone has difficulty controlling their tears, it means they cry too much. 

Various physical and mental health issues may bring on these episodes. Therapy, visiting a primary care physician, and learning coping mechanisms can all be used as strategies to aid with these crying fits.

Someone may find it impossible to stop sobbing for various reasons and varying degrees. 

Consequently, one may frequently cry uncontrollably when they are under a lot of stress or when mourning the loss of a loved one.

Loss and pain are common reasons to cry, but excessive sobbing without a good reason is not.

According to Judith Kay, a psychotherapist, and author of Seeing Through Tears: Crying and Attachment, a person who is securely attached is more comfortable expressing their emotions and cry in normal and healthy ways.

In contrast, insecure people may cry inappropriately – easily and with difficult-to-soothe tears. 

So, someone cries too much if you are unable to control their tears and can’t stop themselves from crying. 

3. Crying In Response To Seemingly Small Triggers Or At Inappropriate Times

Crying due to mere issues might indicate that someone cries too much. This often happens if you experience a pseudobulbar affect (PBA). People with brain disorders or injuries that make it difficult for the brain to process emotions are more likely to have pseudobulbar affect.

The pseudobulbar affect (PBA) is more likely to occur in patients with specific neurological conditions or traumas that make it difficult for the brain to process emotions.

Although people with pseudobulbar affect also experience other emotions, they express them incorrectly and excessively, which makes their lives miserable.

People who cry out of small triggers may appear to cry without cause. Therefore, keep in mind that someone cannot cry in vain. It would help if they ascertained what their tears are attempting to communicate.

4. Difficulty Coping With Emotions Or Feeling Overwhelmed By Them

People who cry a lot might find it hard to cope with their feelings which mostly overwhelm them. It is okay to feel your feelings; however, when the feelings overwhelm someone, you may find that they will cry easily and cannot control your emotions. 

It might be challenging to go through how someone feels about specific events that have made them feel unpleasant when they have a lot going on.

For instance, if someone is going through a difficult breakup and they hold in their emotions, they will overwhelm them, and when the pipes burst, there will be no stopping the tears.

As a result, their emotions may accumulate subconsciously and manifest unexpectedly. If one suddenly starts crying, one should take time for self-care activities like mindfulness, relaxation, or a hot bath. Someone can also seek professional assistance by speaking with a psychologist or therapist.

5. Crying In Response To Physical Pain Or Discomfort

You are walking through the house, and your pinky toe finds the foot of a table; chances are you will cry from the pain. Crying is an excellent way of calming yourself down from physical pain. 

Crying from pain does have one benefit. When one cries, the body releases endorphins and oxytocin.

According to research, these feel-good hormones help the body self-soothe and ease physical and emotional pain. 

When someone cries, the body releases endorphins, which numb the body, and then oxytocin, which makes them feel calm.

This helps the body to self-soothe. So, if one cries when they are in pain, it is their body’s way of self-soothing. 

6. Crying For An Extended Period, Sometimes For Hours

Everyone typically cries when they are extremely upset or going through a difficult moment. However, long-lasting crying without a discernible cause is abnormal and may indicate a problem that requires medical attention. It is also a sign that one often cries too much.

Anxiety, depression, or burnout are examples of mental health conditions that may be to blame for this type of crying. Issues with the nervous system or hormones might also bring it on. 

On the other hand, you may cry for an extended period if you are grieving a loved one. 

However, if someone continues crying long after the loss, you may be experiencing complicated grief. 

So, if someone cries for extended periods, they may want to visit their doctor for a diagnosis or a recommendation to a mental health specialist. 

7. Crying For No Apparent Reason

Someone usually has a purpose for crying, even if it is not immediately apparent. Tears can benefit your health, although they are frequently connected with sadness.

However, sometimes someone may cry for no reason if one cries all the time and for no reason; they cry a lot.

For instance, if one is going through your daily activities and suddenly bursts into tears, there is a problem. 

On the flip side, some people do not cry even when it is warranted. They have repressive coping mechanisms. According to research, repressive coping can lead to deteriorating health. 

A weakened immune system, heart disease, high blood pressure, and mental health issues, including stress, worry, and depression, have all been related to repressive problem-solving methods. 

So, if someone has a reason to cry, it is best to let the tears flow. 

8. You Cry in Public

You are in a public place and suddenly start crying; this is embarrassing for you, but you can’t control the tears; I have been there. 

If someone cries in public, they cry a lot. Some people will never let other people see their vulnerability. They will wait until they are in a safe place to cry when they are going through something. 

However, other people are comfortable crying even in public. If someone cries in public, they cry a lot. 

For instance, there was a time I was going through a nasty breakup. I lost my job, and my boyfriend broke up with me shortly after.

It broke me, I could be walking on the street, and the tears would flow; it got to a point I didn’t bother wiping them anymore. During this period, I cried a lot. 

Why Do People Cry A Lot?

Apart from experiencing a powerful emotional response, numerous other situations can cause someone to cry more than usual.

Tears are typically caused by sadness and worry, which one might experience simultaneously. Some neurological conditions can also cause uncontrollable crying. They include:

  • Depression: A mood illness called depression causes one to experience sadness for longer than a few weeks at a time. Someone may also lose interest in activities they formerly enjoyed. Someone is more likely to cry a lot if their depression is not very severe. People who are very depressed may find it difficult to cry or express other emotions.
  • Anxiety: Everyone has had moments of fear and anxiety. However, if one struggles with anxiety, they may experience constant worry and cry most of the time.
  • Pseudobulbar affect (PBA): Pseudobulbar affect is characterized by uncontrollable crying, laughing, or rage. It is an uncontrollable neurological condition brought on by damage to or an imbalance in the brain regions responsible for emotion regulation.

PBA-related emotions you can’t control are sometimes referred to as emotional incontinence. Frequently, these sensations don’t reflect how one feels or what they are going through. PBA and depression might be confusing since they have several similar symptoms.

  • Gender and personality: Gender studies and personality features have shown that women cry more frequently than males. One plausible explanation is that testosterone inhibits crying. Men and women weep differently, and cultural conventions may also be at play. In addition to gender, persons with empathy and concern for others may cry more than those without these traits. People with anxiety, insecurity, or obsessional tendencies cry for longer than average.

Benefits Of Crying

People may attempt to conceal their emotions if they believe they demonstrate weakness, but studies indicate that doing so may cause them to lose out on several advantages.

According to a 2014 study, people may be able to relax directly through sobbing. The study suggests that crying activates the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which promotes relaxation. Overall, some benefits of crying include the following:

  • Relieving discomfort: Crying releases oxytocin and endorphins, which also helps one feel calmer. These molecules make people feel good and may lessen physical and mental suffering. This is one way that sobbing can ease pain and improve your mood.
  • Uplifting the mood: someone may feel better and experience more emotions when they cry. Endorphins and oxytocin can help you feel better and reduce discomfort. They are often referred to as “feel-good” compounds.
  • Decreasing stress: Tears contain a lot of stress hormones and other compounds when we cry, mainly due to stress. Crying may reduce the levels of these substances in the body, which could reduce stress.
  • Improving sleep: A study shows newborns sleep more soundly after crying. We still don’t understand whether sobbing also helps adults go to sleep. But because crying calms people down, lifts their spirits, and relieves discomfort, it may make people fall asleep more quickly.
  • Fighting bacteria: Tears include a substance called lysozyme, which helps to fight bacteria and keep the eyes clean. Lysozyme is so effective at eliminating bacteria that it might even help make bioterrorist chemicals like anthrax less harmful.
  • Improving vision: When you blink, basal tears are secreted to prevent your mucous membranes from drying out and your eyes from becoming moist. These tears have lubricating properties that enable you to see more clearly. It is challenging to see when the membranes become dry.

Related Reading: Crying Because You Love Someone (Explained)

How to Stop Crying ?

Someone shouldn’t feel pressured if they don’t want to stop crying alone. Although it’s possible that sobbing can help one release stress, this isn’t always the case. Someone can cry and move on with life or entirely avoid it, depending on what’s happening.

However, if someone doesn’t make an effort to control their crying, there may be another health issue that needs to be addressed. According to research, social conventions and culture impact how one feels when they cry.

It’s great to cry with someone who cares and understands so one doesn’t feel ashamed or humiliated. Someone is significantly more likely to feel better if they cry.

One may feel better after crying happy tears than crying sad tears after experiencing something negative.

Of course, there are instances when you don’t want to cry. When this occurs, consider the following ideas:

  • Draw in a long breath
  • Relax your facial and throat muscles to get that lump
  • Be sure to grin; such a physical change may alter your emotions or prevent you from sobbing by diverting your attention
  • Place your tongue on your mouth’s roof
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Consider something uninteresting, such as a poem you know by heart or a recipe you’ve prepared a thousand times
  • Look for something to help you relax

When Should You Visit A Doctor?

Suppose someone is crying a lot and won’t stop. In that case, they should consult a doctor, 

especially if it interferes with their ability to perform daily tasks or is accompanied by other physical, emotional, or mental problems.

The doctor may refer them to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist if they believe they have a mental health issue that needs addressing.

Mental health professionals can assist someone in identifying their underlying issues, resolving them, and developing effective coping mechanisms.

In addition, they can provide someone with a diagnosis and a treatment plan if they believe one has a health issue.


Approximately 80% of depressed patients who receive treatment report feeling much better.

Psychotherapy (talk therapy) and medication are both effective treatments for depression and anxiety.

Self-care is equally crucial. Many people can benefit from relaxation techniques like meditation and exercise. The treatment for PBA includes both therapy and medication. 

Related Reading: 8 Reasons Your Boyfriend Cried In Front Of You And What To Do?

Wrapping Up On Signs Someone Cries a Lot

It’s common to cry when feeling diverse emotions. But on the other hand, frequently sobbing incessantly or without apparent cause can be emotionally and physically taxing and significantly impact day-to-day living.

There are various signs that show that someone cries a lot; if one cries for no reason or cries in public and cannot control their tears, it is a sign they cry a lot. 

Anxiety, depression, or burnout are examples of mental health conditions that may be to blame for this type of sobbing.

Issues with the nervous system or hormones might also bring it on. One should visit a doctor for a diagnosis or a recommendation to a mental health specialist if they feel like they cry a lot. 

Photo by Liza Summer on Pexels.com

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