Crying Because You Love Someone (Explained)

In this article, we talk about crying because you love someone, we look at the different types of crying, reasons to cry, when to stop crying and the effects it has on your relationship.

Using tears to express and release emotions is healthy and natural. You shed both happy and sad tears at various points in time.

In either scenario, most people experience intense relief. In addition, crying makes your partner feel sympathetic toward you and more attached to you since showing vulnerability encourages interpersonal contact.

But crying in front of someone else isn’t always simple. Some people cry excessively, while others find it difficult to cry at all. Both extremes have issues and can damage relationships with close friends and family.

The happy medium between these two extremes is relational crying. Finding a means to express emotions, such as crying, without feeling overwhelmed or stuck, is crucial when you love someone.

However, you must first understand the differences between blocked crying and over-crying to perfect this ability.

Over Criers

Women often tend to be over criers, especially if they view themselves as martyrs or sufferers in a relationship. Crying excessively can be a strategy for self-preservation because most people back off, soften, and become more empathetic when they weep. 

This is particularly true if your partner confides in you something you don’t want to hear, such as unjustified criticism, hurt, or disappointment that might be your fault.

They often cry when obstructing to prevent uncomfortable interactions, criticism, heat, and closeness.

However, it could be construed as emotional manipulation if it occurs too frequently. The person crying is perceived as being hurt by the other person acting like a bully.

Effects Of Over Crying In A Relationship

Excessive crying has a price. Some of the effects of over crying when you love someone include:

  • Your romance becomes stale, superficial, and monotonous: If you avoid the heat, you will both be safe, but you won’t have any enjoyment, spontaneity, passion, or creativity. Partners avoid doing so because they know that being honest with you may result in conflict.
  • You wind up being the partner who needs the most assistance: Your lover has to comfort you repeatedly when you’re crying, which gets tedious and irritating after a while. If you are always crying, your partner will need to save you all the time, and it gets old pretty fast.
  • Everything in the relationship focuses on you: You talk about your tears and how awful they make you feel rather than how your partner feels or your relationship functions.
  • People may avoid you: People are reluctant to approach you too closely or act up because the conversation is always about you and your difficulties.

Blocked Criers

Avoiding any tears is a wonderful strategy to protect yourself. It assists you in maintaining a strong façade and demonstrates to others your invulnerability.

Many people incapable of crying were brought up by parents who frequently sobbed and vowed never to behave the same way.

On the other hand, some learn to block their tear ducts entirely after being told as children not to cry. This especially applies to men who were told boys don’t cry when they were young. 

Effects Of Blocked Crying In A Relationship

Failing to cry may impact your relationship in various ways. Some include:

  • Constraining the emotional spectrum: Over time, you can no longer access greater happiness if you stop experiencing low-level emotions like melancholy, despair, and hopelessness. You begin to lose out on life’s lows and highs.
  • Others are less concerned: People don’t support you as much when you need it because they assume you’re always okay if you don’t weep a lot.
  • You don’t change: People believe you never need assistance or a challenge and are always okay. If you never show vulnerability, people will think you are strong and do not need help, even when you are drowning in problems.

How To Perfect The Art Of Crying In A Relationship

With some thought and effort, you can discover the right amount of tears in your relationship. This will assist in bringing forth more nuance, feeling, empathy, and connection.

Start by discussing this subject with your companion and consider the type of crier you are. Then go to the next action.

For an over crier:

  • Make a pact with your partner that you won’t cry. You don’t have to stop talking even though tears stream down your face.
  • Tell your spouse they are not required to help you recover or feel sorry for you. What you are going through is not their fault. They only need to listen.
  • Get involved and let your tears convey your emotions. Broadcast live what is happening when you feel upset. Avoid looking them in the eyes when you first start conversing to avoid making them feel uncomfortable. Why are your eyes sobriety crying? 

People don’t always cry because they are in pain. It might be fear, rage, overwhelm, annoyance, exhilaration, or melancholy. You can “Name It to Tame It” by naming your emotions. Additionally, it will help you broach a sensitive subject and stoke up your relationship.

For a blocked crier:

  • Create a space where you can express your emotions safely. It may occur when you’re alone, in nature, or with a friend or significant other. Create an environment where you don’t feel judged
  • Allow yourself to experience the pain. Remind yourself that the secret to your happiness lies in your sorrow
  • Express your feelings. Have real-time communication about what’s happening and hurting in your heart. If you’re feeling bold, put yourself in a physically exposed posture, such as being held or curled up in the fetal position.
  • Don’t stare someone in the eyes when you are crying. You can feel acutely aware of how embarrassed or self-conscious you are when you look someone in the eye. Enjoy your tears and allow them to pass through you.

Reasons For Crying When You See Someone You Love

You might question why and what causes you to cry when you see someone you care about. Not one factor causes individuals to cry when they see someone they care about because everyone is unique. But a few things often cause people to cry when they see a loved one. They include:

1. Time apart

 When you finally encounter a loved one after a lengthy absence, you can be overcome with emotion to the point where you start crying. For instance, people in long-distance relationships may cry when they meet their partners. 

2. Milestones

Are you ecstatic about a significant development in your romance or a well-earned promotion at work? It’s acceptable to cry and feel emotional when you’re celebrating an important milestone with loved ones. You might cry with joy when these things occur. 

For instance, I had once been jobless for a long time, and when I finally got a job after a whole year of trying, I could not hide my joy. When my boyfriend came home, I hugged him and cried; I could not even describe my happiness. It took 30 minutes to tell him why I was crying.

Crying is okay when celebrating milestones, whether yours or your partner’s. 

3. Happy moments

You can start crying if you are far away and witness a loved one enjoying a happy moment. It’s amazing to watch memorable moments and joyful memories come to life in front of your eyes, and it can fill your heart with so much love that you can’t help but cry.

How Can You Tell Whether You’re Crying Excessively Because You Love Someone?

Some people often experience a wide range of intense feelings when they see a loved one for the first time in a very long period. On the other hand, if you cry for a long time, it may indicate a problem to those around you.

People notice if you cry often and cannot stop, even after a short while. Some indications that others are uncomfortable with your crying include:

1. Gazing

You may have been crying for too long if other individuals in the room stare at you or act uneasy. In addition, people may assume you are unhappy or disturbed and need assistance if you aren’t participating in the conversation and don’t let them know why you are crying.

2. Body language alterations.

If the body language of those around you changes, they may have begun to notice your tears, especially if you find yourself inconsolable. Some people can be startled when you cry for a long time if they don’t know you well or how close you are to the person who made you cry out of love.

3. Change in the atmosphere:

Sometimes, a change is all you can feel. For example, if you sob for a long time in front of others or in public, you might sense their energy and comprehend how they view the scenario. They might be staring at you, scowling, or expressing their concern if you have been sobbing for a while.

Should You Stop Crying Whenever You See Someone You Care About?

There may be moments when you don’t want to cry, such as in public or in front of others, although it’s acceptable to cry and be yourself around people you love and other people.

If you wish to avoid sobbing when you encounter someone you care about, take into account and keep in mind the following advice:

  • Adjust the focus: Try to divert your thoughts from the person you love and focus on anything or someone who doesn’t elicit strong emotions.
  • Ask for help: Another option is to seek assistance from a friend or relative who is aware of your tears. Ask them to change the subject or make you laugh to divert your attention away from the person making you weep, even if you are crying tears of joy and love.
  • Take a step back: Step away from the person you love if you can’t control your emotions, especially if you wish to keep your sentiments to yourself or in a public setting.
  • Take a relationship break: If the person you love makes you feel too overwhelmed to talk to others or continue talking to them directly, take a break from being with them. Even if you’re crying, stepping away from the scenario for a little while could help you regain your composure and emotional control.

Why Are Some People More Prone To Crying Than Others?

Some people find it simpler to cry than others. To begin with, women cry 60% more frequently than men. This is because:

According to research, people in satisfying relationships are more at ease expressing their emotions. They might cry more in typical, healthy situations, but people in unhealthy relationships might cry inappropriately.

Similar studies indicate that persons who do not have close relationships with others are less prone to cry and must make more effort to suppress their tears—people who attach or are dependent cry more frequently than those in stable relationships.

So, what happens if you cry because you’re attached to someone?

It’s important to express your feelings, even if it means crying. However, you might be ill if you cry nonstop for extended periods. You should talk to someone about your mental health if you find it difficult to stop crying even when you are happy.

You are likely experiencing deeper issues that need to be addressed when you cannot regulate your emotions or stop crying.

For instance, you may be having depression or bipolar disorder. You should speak with a doctor to see the cause or trigger if you often feel out of control of your emotions.

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Will Failure To Cry Affect Your Health?

Although many people find it awkward to cry in front of others or in public, crying is a normal human reaction to diverse feelings and emotions that need to be expressed.

In addition, some people find that crying helps them feel better and gives them a release they can’t get anywhere else.

If you don’t cry, you might suppress your true feelings and sentiments for someone you care about. They may build up and get out of control if you cannot express your feelings.

Crying is a great method to release your emotions and can be helpful for those unable to do so in other ways. Sometimes, a good weep is just what you need, whether you’re relieved, pleased, or just plain sad.

Even if you don’t typically weep, doing so occasionally helps keep your life balanced and provides you with a secure and healthy outlet for your emotions.

How Does Your Partner Feel When You Cry In Front Of Them?

Usually, you can tell how someone is feeling by looking at them, reading their body language, and observing their physical reactions. For example, if a loved one is aware of how emotional and overwhelmed you become when you cry, they might not treat you the same as someone who doesn’t cry as frequently.

How Can You Explain Why You’re Crying To Someone You Care About?

Mostly, it is simple to spot a person crying because they are so joyful and loving. However, you can express to your loved one how you feel and how overwhelmed with love you are that it is causing you to cry. Since crying when you’re happy is a typical and common emotion for certain people, most of your family and friends will understand if you do.

Final Thoughts

Usually, when you cry because you love someone so much, your feelings are too strong to express in words. However, people are much more inclined to cry or express another strong emotion, such as love, when they feel overwhelmed and unable to express themselves.

The space between you will be moist enough to feel but firm enough to think in after you and your partner learn to avoid going too far either way. By learning the art of relationship tears, you might find the sweet spot where you can feel and think without being too overwhelmed or robotic.

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