14 Signs God Will Bring Him Back

This article will look at signs God will bring him back.

Have you lost someone in the past, and they came back to you? Are you confused about whether to take them back or not?

In matters of love and relationships, you can find yourself asking for help and guidance from God.

Many people find solace in faith when they go through pain and uncertainties in relationships. If you have lost someone close to you, you may want signs God will bring him back.

Some relationships fail because the people involved are not ready to be together, or it was not the right time for you. However, when it is right, God will return him to you.

Ecclesiastes 3:11(a) says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.”

If you wonder if God is showing you He will bring him back, you can look for several signs.

Signs God Will Bring Him Back

When you lose someone close to you and are wondering if you will get them back, you may seek solace in your faith.

You seek divine intervention to know if God will return him to you. Some signs God will bring him back include the following;

1. Coincidences And Divine Signs

Sometimes after you break up with someone or lose them because of distance, you may repeatedly encounter coincidences that show God is orchestrating events to reunite you.

One of the signs God will bring him back is coincidentally meeting them. Running into your ex is awkward, especially if there are unresolved issues and feelings.

However, if you keep meeting your ex, it may be a sign God will bring him back to you.

You may feel a surge of negative emotions when you first meet them, but as you see them more often, you will get comfortable with them and may even rekindle the old feelings.

Job 33:14 says, “For God does speak—now one way, now another—though no one perceives it.”

So, if you keep meeting your ex at your mutual friends’ parties and gatherings, it may be a sign God is bringing him back to you.

2. He Is Frequently In Your Dreams

When you are on a break or have broken up with your boyfriend, and he keeps appearing in your dreams, it may be a sign God will bring him back.

Dreams are a gateway to our subconscious minds and hidden desires. So, if your ex keeps coming to you in your dreams, you miss him and want him back, and he could be missing you too.

Some people say if you dream with someone, they are thinking of you too, so if you dream with your ex, they could be thinking about you too and may also want to get back together.

“I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” (Joel 2:28)

Therefore, if you dream about them and have visions, it is a sign God will bring them back. 

3. You Frequently Think About Them

If you always think about your ex and the good times you had, it may be a sign God will bring him back.

Sometimes you break up with someone because you can’t stand some of their negative traits. It may be smoking, drinking, or being a workaholic. You may have done your best to have them change, but they didn’t.

However, when you break up with them, you may think of all the good times you had together and how much fun they were. You remember their touch on your body and how special they made you feel.

You may realize you focused too much on the few negatives and lost the many positives.

If you remember all the good things about the person, it is a sign that you were meant to be together, and God will bring him back.

Psalms 63:6 says, “I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night.”

So, if you keep thinking about your ex and all their positive traits, it may be because you didn’t value their strengths and took them for granted.

Our brains may be wired to always look at the negative, but you should also consider the positive traits of a person before breaking up with them, as no one is perfect.

4. You Have Unexpected Communications

When you break up with someone, you don’t want anything to do with them and will not even want to talk to them.

However, if after some time you have healed, and you think about texting your ex and find they have texted you too, it is a sign that God will bring him back.

I know we have picked our phones to call and text our exes and have thought against it.

So, if you pick up your phone to call them and find a text from them, it is a divine sign that the universe wants you to be together.

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” (Ephesians 4:29)

So, if you can talk politely to your ex without any hard feelings, it is a sign God will bring him back. 

5. You Reconnect Through Mutual Circumstances

When you break up with someone and keep meeting them and reconnecting through mutual friends, it may be a sign that God will bring them back. 

For instance, if your friends invite you to a gathering and you meet your ex there on several occasions and talk to them, it may be a sign God will bring them back to you. 

Moreover, if a mutual friend conveys a heartfelt message from your partner expressing their thoughts about the relationship and how you can get back together, it is a sign you are meant to be, and God will bring him back. 

“….And it may be that you dislike a thing that is good for you and that you like a thing that is bad for you. Allah knows, and you do not know.” (Quran 2:216)

You may see meeting with your ex at a friend’s place as a bad thing, but it could be good for you.

You may not know it or see it as good, but God knows, and it is a sign He will bring him back.

6. You Have A Change Of Heart

A changed heart is a sign God will bring him back. If you have been dating someone and broke up with them, or they pursued you and rejected you and then came back after rejecting you, it may be a sign God will bring him back. 

Sometimes you may fall in love with someone who pursues you only to reject you, and you may wonder why they rejected you.

However, this person might have a change of heart and start pursuing you again. 

Ezekiel 36:26 says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you.” God may have put a new heart in the guy, and he realized you were the right person for him all along. 

7. Encouragement From Loved Ones

Sometimes you may break up with someone, and your family and friends will keep asking about them and why you broke up.

Our loved ones influence the people we date; they may know a good or bad person for you from a few interactions.

We often tend to have rose-colored goggles when getting into relationships and may not see when someone is not right for us.

However, if you break up with someone and your family and friends keep bringing them up and telling you they were good for you, it is a sign God will bring them back.

Proverbs 11:14 says, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors, there is safety.”

So, if your loved ones advise you to get back with someone, maybe you should listen to them because they may have seen how well the person treated you or how happy you were when you were together.

8. You Have Healed And Forgiven

Breakups can be hard and cause a lot of pain to the parties involved. Getting back with your ex may be impossible when you are hurting and have not forgiven him and yourself.

However, when you have healed from the breakup and forgiven your partner and yourself, you may be able to reunite with them.

God may bring him back if you have fully healed and forgiven all the hurt of the breakup.

When God wants to bring someone back into your life, you will speak without bitterness toward them because you have healed.

“… They should rather pardon and overlook. Would you not love Allah to forgive you? Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Quran, 24:22)

So, we want forgiveness from God; we should also forgive those who wrong us. If God will bring him back, He will give you the grace to forgive your partner and yourself.

9. Personal Growth and Learned Lessons

Sometimes when you break up with someone, you may use the time to grow yourself. If you have grown and learned some lessons, God may bring someone back into your life.

God may bring back the person if you have overcome the immaturity that made you break up.

After the breakup, you may have learned to be more passionate and compassionate with your partner. If you are more understanding, it is a sign God will bring him back.

Moreover, if you learned from your past mistakes and embrace some good characteristics, God may bring him back because you have learned your lesson.

For instance, if you have developed healthier habits, strengthened relationships with loved ones, and rediscovered your passions during separation.

“We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

10. You Have Inner Peace

When going through a breakup, you may lack inner peace. However, after sometimes amidst the turmoil, you find a profound sense of peace, knowing that God is working things out for your highest good. 

It is a sign that God will bring him back if you feel an unexplainable calmness and peace, even on a break. 

When you have peace in your mind and heart, giving your partner a second chance feels right. God will bring him back to you if he is the right person for you. 

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7)

No matter how long you have been apart, you will experience the love, peace, and comfort of home when you get back together. 

11. You May Feel Their Presence

Sometimes you may experience your partner’s presence when you are apart. If you sense your partner’s presence when you are broken up, it may be a sign God will bring him back.

For instance, if you are alone and feel a warm hug, a gentle touch that brings you comfort, you feel your partner’s presence, and it’s a sign God will bring him back.

12. Answered Prayers

Sometimes you may ask God to bring back your partner, and He will answer your prayers. If you pray to God and ask him to reconcile you with your partner, God hears and answers your prayers.

In Matthew 7:7, the Bible says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

So, if you pray to God to bring your partner back into your life, he will listen to you and grant you your wish.

“And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me, indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me.” (Quran 2:186)

13. The Time Is Right

Sometimes people break up because they feel it is not the right time to be in a relationship.

If you see the relationship as a hindrance to your goals and ambitions, you may break up with your partner and want them back when you have accomplished your goals.

If nothing is holding you back anymore, you will want God to bring him back because you will be fully committed to him without any hindrances.

When the time is right, you are ready to commit to your partner without what-ifs.

When it is right, you are emotionally, physically, and psychologically ready to be in a relationship.

Ecclesiastes 3:11(a) says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.”

So, when the time is right, God will bring him back into your life, and you will have a fulfilling relationship.

14. You Have Gotten Closer To God

When you strive to put God at the center of the relationship and your lives, if you ask God to be the center of the relationship, He will bring your partner back because you have surrendered your lives and relationship to Him.  

When you are emotionally invested in the break-up, it is a sign you still depend on your ex for your happiness instead of depending on God to give you happiness and a sense of completeness.

You should not make someone your source of happiness and approval. When you recognize that God’s word is more important, God will return your partner.

“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)

Related Reading: God Is Telling You To Wait


In matters of love and relationships, you can find yourself asking for help and guidance from God.

Many people find solace in faith when they go through pain and uncertainties in relationships. If you want to get back with your ex, you may look for signs God will bring him back.

Some signs God will bring your partner back include; he is frequently in your dreams, coincidences, and divine signs, you frequently think about them, and there are unexpected communications.

Moreover, if you reconnect through mutual connections, have encouragement from loved ones, have healed and forgiven, or have a change of heart, it is a sign God will bring him back.

Additionally, if you have inner peace, have gotten closer to God, feel their presence, and the time is right, God will bring him back.

Photo by Beyzaa Yurtkuran: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-of-man-and-woman-holding-hands-17243703/

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