My Boyfriend Has A Lot Of Female Friends 

My Boyfriend Has A Lot Of Female Friends 

In this article, we will examine why your boyfriend has many female friends, when to get worried and what you should do about it. The age-old question is can men and women be just friends? If your boyfriend has a lot of female friends, you may be worried that it may turn into something more … Read more

My Boyfriend Gets Angry When I Get Upset

My Boyfriend Gets Angry When I Get Upset

This article will help you better understand why your boyfriend gets angry with you when you are upset, how it may affect your relationship, and what you can do about it.  When you are upset, you want someone compassionate near you. If your boyfriend gets angry when you get upset, it may get your moods … Read more

My Boyfriend Shows No Emotion When I Cry

My Boyfriend Shows No Emotion When I Cry

In this article, we will focus on why your boyfriend shows no emotion when you cry, the reasons, the implications of lack of emotional response from your boyfriend when you cry, and what you can do about it. Crying is a natural way of releasing emotions. We expect the people close to us to hold … Read more

My Boyfriend Blames Me For Everything

boyfriend blames me for everything

In this article, we will help you understand why your boyfriend blames you for everything, how it affects your relationship and what you can do about it. In a relationship, it is frustrating when your partner blames you for everything. Granted that sometimes you may be to blame for what happened, having your boyfriend blame … Read more

My Boyfriend Has No Friends 

Boyfriend has no friends

This article will examine how your boyfriend’s lack of friends will affect your relationship, why your boyfriend has no friends, and what to do about it. Friends are an important part of our lives. If your boyfriend has no friends, you may be concerned that he doesn’t have a social life outside of you. Does … Read more