My Girlfriend Doesn’t Text Me Like She Used To (10 reasons)

When you are new in a relationship, the love is great, you text each other all the time, and you cannot wait to see your girlfriend. 

However, as time goes by, you may find that your girlfriend doesn’t text you as she used to at the beginning of the relationship. 

So, why would your girlfriend stop texting you? Should you get upset when your girlfriend doesn’t text you like she used to?  

This article will examine why your girlfriend doesn’t text you as she used to, what it means for your relationship, and what you should do about it. Read on to learn more. 

Reasons Your Girlfriend Doesn’t Text You Like She Used To

When you are in a relationship, you want your girlfriend to be smitten with you and talk to you always.

However, sometimes, this is not the case. If your girlfriend stops texting you like she used to, you may want to know why she is not texting you. 

Here are the reasons your girlfriend doesn’t text you like she used to.

1. She Not Interest In You Anymore

Maintaining a long-term relationship is hard work. If you do not put in the work, your girlfriend may start losing interest in you. 

If your girlfriend doesn’t text you like she used to, she may have lost interest in you. Women are communicators, but they may shy away from telling you if she has lost interest in you because she doesn’t want to hurt you. 

She will therefore quit the relationship silently by not calling you and texting you like she used to. 

2. She Finds You Boring

Are you good at texting? If the answer to this question is no, your girlfriend may find you boring when you text her. 

Some people are not great at texting and cannot keep a conversation going over text. 

If your texts go something like this

You: hi

Her: hi 

You: how are you doing?

Her: I am fine.

You: what are you doing?

This is dull; I am boring myself just writing it. So, if this is the way you text, you need to up your game, or your girlfriend will get bored texting you and avoid texting you in the long run. No one wants to have a boring conversation. 

It is hard to maintain a spicy and interesting conversation all the time; however, you need to do your best not to bore your girlfriend. 

3. She Is Busy

This is the simplest of all the reasons your girlfriend doesn’t text you like she used to. If you meant your girlfriend when she was not working or on school break, she had a lot of time to text you back. 

However, if she goes back to school or gets a job, she will have less time to text you. So, before you start tripping, you should ask yourself why she is not texting you as she used to. 

Your girlfriend may take time to reply to your messages because she has to wait for break time to get to her phone. 

4. She Has Technical Issues

 Your girlfriend may not text you as she used to if she has technical issues. When you don’t reach the woman you love, all kinds of bulbs go off in your mind, but you should stop to think for a minute. It is not all doom and groom. 

Your girlfriend doesn’t text you like she used to because her phone is having technical issues. She may not be getting the notifications, or she cannot text on her phone. Technology is good and convenient, but it fails from time to time. 

For instance, I have an old phone that refused to give WhatsApp notifications until I upgrade it. So, I never get any notifications when texted on the app.

If my boyfriend did not understand this, he could always be mad. So, we found a workaround; if he needs to talk, he calls and tells me to be on the lookout for his texts. 

Moreover, she could have lost her phone or run out of battery, or been in an area with limited or no service. 

5. Your Relationship Is In A Bad Place

According to Hugh Vinson, the founder of Gentlemen Center, if your relationship is constantly in a bad place, and you can’t seem to agree to disagree, your girlfriend will not want to text you. 

After all, no one wants to talk to someone who always puts them down and insults them all the time they talk. 

So, your girlfriend may have tolerated the abuse long enough, and she has had enough and wants to disassociate from you. She wants to move on with her life without you. 

6. You Screwed Up

If your girlfriend doesn’t text you as she used you, you make her mad. When a woman is mad at you, she will not want to talk to you. She will refuse to answer your texts or may even block you. 

If you screwed up in the last conversation or meeting, your girlfriend would not want to text you. She may want some time to cool off. However, if you had a major screw-up, she may never want to talk to you again. 

If you bombard her with texts, she may want to take a step back because she feels you may be too invested in her and may come off as needy. 

Moreover, if you send her big blocks of texts all the time, she may feel you are too invested and want a break.

Additionally, long texts may not be her thing, she may want some mystery in her love life, and you may have taken the mystery out of the relationship with your constant long texts. 

7. She Is Texting Other Guys

This is not something anyone wants to hear, but your girlfriend may not text you like she used to because she is texting other guys

Unfortunately, your girlfriend may not text you if she is busy texting other guys. She will no longer have time for you and will take time to return your texts or not text you at all. 

Are you wondering if your girlfriend is talking to other guys? Here are a few signs she may be talking to other guys. 

  • She doesn’t text you like she used to.
  • She is secretive with her phone.
  • She is always on her phone, even when you are together.
  • She talks about other guys. 
  • She has changed her routine.
  • She has become evasive when asked about her whereabouts. 

If your girlfriend is exhibiting some of these signs, it means she is texting other guys and will not text you like she used to.

8. It’s Natural 

When the relationship is new, you are all hot for each other and cannot keep yourselves off each other. That is natural at that phase of the relationship. However, when the honeymoon phase is over, you tend to give each other space to grow individually. 

So, it is natural if your girlfriend doesn’t text you as she used you. She is comfortable in the relationship and does not have to put so much effort into the relationship. 

She believes your relationship is secure enough that you will not drift away because you do not text as much as you used to.

For instance, when my boyfriend and I started dating, we were constantly blowing each other phones with messages at all times.

However, as time went by, we no longer text each other as much. Nowadays, we only text each other during the day when something important happens or check up on each other at intervals. 

10. She Feels You Are Not Committed 

According to Alexander Burgemeester, a clinical psychologist, if you met online on dating apps, you need to show her that you are genuinely interested in her. 

If she feels you are not committed enough to her, she will stop texting you like she used to. So you should play it safe and show her that you want to be more than friends. 

If she feels you are not committed enough, you will be friend zoned at best, or she will kick you to the curb. 

What To Do If Your Girlfriend Doesn’t Text You Like She Used To

If your girlfriend doesn’t text you like she used to, you will want to take your relationship back to the place it used to be.

So here are some things you should do if your girlfriend doesn’t text you like she used to. 

1. Send Shorter Texts

According to Jack Vitel, a relationship expert, the longer the texts you send, the more you seem invested, which may scare away your girlfriend. If this is the case, send her shorter text messages, it will make you not seem too invested or desperate. 

No one wants a desperate and needy girlfriend, so reduce the length of your texts. The detachment will make her want to talk to you more. 

2. Talk To Her

If your girlfriend is not responding to your texts like she used to, you should talk to her face-to-face. 

Communication is the key to every relationship, and if you cannot communicate through text, you should talk to your girlfriend face to face. This will help you understand her reasons for not texting you like she used to. 

Face-to-face communication is better because you will see her facial expressions and body language. In addition, it will help you to see what she is not saying. 

Moreover, if there is a problem in the relationship, it is best-solved face to face other than over text. 

3. Send Her A Gift

If your girlfriend is mad at you for whatever reason and is not texting you like she used to, send her a gift. As the saying goes, diamonds are a girl’s best friend. So, send your girlfriend a gift.

If you feel your girlfriend is mad at you or does not text you back because you do not give her enough attention, buying her a gift will bring you back to her good graces. 

However, ensure the gift you get her is something she will like and shows your thoughtfulness. A bouquet of flowers will also go a long way to bring back your girlfriend to you. It will place a smile on her face and will remind her why she loves you in the first place. 

4. Accept The New Normal

If your girlfriend doesn’t text you like she used to because she is in a good place and is comfortable in the relationship, it would be best to accept the new normal. 

It is okay; accept the good change. You cannot keep the passion from the honeymoon phase going throughout the relationship; that’s why it’s called the honeymoon phase. 

This may be how she likes her relationships and was putting in extra effort at the beginning of the relationship. But, sometimes, the lack of passion in a relationship is okay as it shows security and comfort. 

5. Take A Step Back

If your girlfriend doesn’t text you like she used to, you should take a step back. Sometimes you need time to evaluate why she is not texting you back. 

I know it is easier said than done, and the first thing you want to do is get mad at her for not texting you. So, take a step back and don’t text her for a while. 

Gather yourself and evaluate the reasons she may not be texting you. 

6. Focus On Yourself

If your girlfriend doesn’t text you like she used to, focus on yourself. 

Your girlfriend may not want to text you because you are needy and desperate. It would help if you focused more on yourself and worked on being a better partner. Put some effort into being a better man. 

You can do some things to help you focus on yourself; some of the things you can do include; 

  • Going out on solo dates.
  • Hanging out with your friends.
  • Hit the gym. 
  • Take up meditation.
  • Taking up new hobbies. 

These activities will help you get your mind off your girlfriend and will also keep you off your phone for a while to give you time to stop obsessing over your girlfriend and not texting you. 

Moreover, when you stop texting your girlfriend all the time, she will want to talk to you and will start texting you. Yes, girls are weird like that. For instance, when I am mad at my boyfriend and won’t talk to him, and he stops texting me, I miss him and start texting him. 

So, your girlfriend will miss you when you start focusing on yourself, and she will reach out to you. 

7. Break Up With Her

If your girlfriend doesn’t text you like she used to because she is talking to other guys, it may be time to call it quits. 

We all want to be in a relationship with someone who loves us and gives us their attention and affection. So, if your girlfriend is talking to other guys, it may be time to move on and get someone who appreciates being in a relationship with you and is faithful to you. 

Moreover, you should break up with her if she is not texting you back because she is no longer interested in you.

There is no use watering a dead plant, and if your girlfriend is no longer interested in you, there is no use being with someone who does like you anymore. 

Related Reading: How To Tell If Your Girlfriend Is Tired Of You

Parting Shot

You want your girlfriend to be into you and text you all the time; however, this is not always the case; sometimes your girlfriend may not text you like she used to.  

There are many reasons this could be happening; it could be that she doesn’t like you anymore, or she could be mad at you. Moreover, if she could be busy, having technical issues, or you screwed up. 

If your girlfriend doesn’t text you like she used to, you should talk to her face-to-face. You can also take a step back and focus on yourself.

You can also send your girlfriend a gift. Moreover, if your girlfriend doesn’t text you like she used to because she is comfortable in the relationship, you should accept it and let the relationship flow. 

However, if your girlfriend doesn’t text you like she used to because she is talking to other guys or is no longer interested in you, you should end the relationship.

Photo by Charlotte May on

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