15 Signs He Likes You But Is Hiding It

This article explores some of the subtle but telling signs he likes you but is hiding it.

If you have a crush on someone and suspect they like you too, you will want to know if your suspicions are right.

However, sometimes he likes you but hides it, and you may not know his true feelings.

Some guys will like you and hide it because they don’t know if you will reciprocate their feelings, and they fear rejection.

Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a neurophysicist in New York City, explains. “Perhaps they are afraid that if they reveal their feelings, you won’t feel the same way, and it could lead to rejection, which could be emotionally challenging for them,” she says.

If you suspect someone likes you but is hiding it, you need to know the signs to look out for if he likes you and hides it.

Signs He Likes You But Is Hiding It

If you think he likes you but is hiding it, there are a few subtle signs to look out for to know if he likes you.

These signs reveal his deeper feelings, from being awkward around you to staring when he thinks you aren’t looking to remembering little details about your life.

1. He is Awkward Around You

If a guy likes you and is hiding it, he will be mostly awkward around you. If you hang out with him and his friends, he will be quiet, even if he is normally talkative.

He is afraid to say the wrong thing about you and prefers watching.

You may catch him trying to straighten himself up. Or he may be tongue-tied when you walk into a room.

Some guys don’t know what to do with themselves when they like you and may even walk out of the room because they don’t want to embarrass themselves.

For instance, when I met my boyfriend, he was working at a certain shop; I didn’t know he liked me because he didn’t pay any attention to me; every time I went in, he would walk out and ask a colleague to serve me.

I thought he hated me, and I didn’t know why. Only for him to tell me he liked me afterward and was afraid to talk to me.

So, if there is a guy who acts weird when you are around, it may be a clear sign he likes you but is hiding it.

2. He Smiles When He Sees You

When you like someone, you will always be happy to see them. So, for example, if he likes you but is hiding it, he will always light up when he sees you.

According to research, a smile makes you more attractive, so if he likes you, he will smile more because he is happy to see you, and it also makes him more attractive.

Moreover, when you smile at someone, they are more likely to smile back at you, so if a guy secretly likes you but is hiding it, he will smile when he sees you.

3. He Looks His Best Around You

When you like someone, you want them to see you at your best. So, if he likes you and hides it, he will always look his best around you.

Many people think guys don’t bother about their looks, but if a guy likes you, he will want to put his best foot forward.

Women like a well-groomed guy; if he likes you but hides it, he will want you to be attracted to him.

As much as women are not visual, having a well-groomed guy is a major plus; he is someone you will want to introduce to your family and friends.

So, if a guy straightens himself up, looks at his clothes, and fidgets with his hair, he likes you and is hiding. He wants you to see him at his best.

4. He Compliments You

If he likes you but is hiding it, he will compliment you. A guy who has a crush on you will compliment everything about you.

Moreover, his compliments are not only about your appearance but about what makes you who you are.

A guy who likes you but is hiding it will compliment your confidence, sense of humor, or smile. He will notice all the things about you no one else does and compliment you on them.  

Dr. Hafeez says people who have feelings for you will be gracious and appreciative towards you.

5. He Stares At You

When someone likes you, he will always want to look at you or have prolonged eye contact with you.

However, if he likes you but is hiding it, he will look at you and look away because he doesn’t want you to catch him looking at you.

If you are around a guy who likes you, you may feel his eyes on you, but when you turn, he will look away.

You may be doing a mundane task like working on your laptop or laundry, and he will be staring at you.

For instance, a guy had a major crush on me; he would stare at me in the library and watch my every move until my friends told me to talk to him; it turns out he liked me but was afraid to approach me. We dated for three years.

So, if you catch a guy staring at you a few times, maybe talk to him; he likes you but is hiding it because he is afraid of rejection.

6. His Body Language

According to Dr. Carol Morgan, body language is a powerful indicator of attraction. So, if he likes you and is hiding it, observe his body language.

Someone who likes you will maintain eye contact when talking to you; he will pay attention to everything you say and show it.

He will also lean in closer when talking to you, and their feet will look toward you.

If you are in a group, he will turn his body towards you when talking to you and hold your gaze. Moreover, if he likes you, he will mirror your gestures when talking to him.

7. He Remembers Details About You

If he likes you and is hiding it, he will remember all the minute details about you. A guy who likes you will actively listen to what you say and remember everything.

For instance, if you tell him about some important event in your life, he will remember it even if you said it in passing. He may even surprise you with something special on that day.

If he likes you but is hiding it, he will pay close attention and value everything you do because you are important to him.

8. He Wants To Be Around You

When you like someone, you always want to be around them. So if he likes you but is hiding it, he will want to spend as much time as possible with you.

A guy who likes you will want to hang out and listen to you. He will make up excuses to spend more time with you.

For instance, if you work together or in the same class, he wants to collaborate with you during projects.

They may also ask you to meet after work to discuss the project over coffee.

Let’s face it; many people don’t want to work when they are at work, let alone over coffee; the guy just wants to spend some time with you in a neutral location.

A guy who likes you but is hiding it will always ask to hang out with you; he wants to talk to you and be around you as much as he can.

So, if a guy keeps inviting you for coffee, to the movies, or to his house to hang out, he likes you and is hiding it.

9. He Wants To Know More About You

If he likes you and is hiding it, he will want to know more about you. He will pay attention when talking to you and ask questions about your family and friends.

A guy who likes you will want to know about your interests, hobbies, goals, and dreams.

He will ask you personal questions to get you to talk more about yourself so he can know more about you.

Moreover, if he likes you but hides it, he will ask your friends for details about you, like your relationship status.

He will ask about your interests and what you love. They will also put themselves in situations where they can be around you.

For instance, if he likes you and is hiding it, he will hang out with your friends to learn about you and meet you when you hang out with your friends.

10. He Initiates Contact

If he likes you but is hiding it, he will initiate contact with you. If he doesn’t have your number, he will ask for it from your friends or you if he has enough courage.

He will be the first to text or call you and always keep the conversation and interest going.

A guy who likes you will do his best to contact you, and He will contact you via social media if he doesn’t have your number.

A person who likes you will do everything possible to be close to you; regular contact is the best bet.

If he likes you, he’ll contact you every opportunity he gets. He may not tell you how he feels about you, but you will feel it through his conversations.

11. He Is Protective Of You

There is nothing that says I like you more than protection. If he likes you and is hiding it, he will be protective of you.

For instance, if you are walking from school or work, he will offer to walk with you and ensure he is on the side of the traffic to keep you safe.

Moreover, a guy who likes you will protect you from things you may not know you need protecting from; whether the danger is real or perceived, he will be your knight in shining armor.

A guy who cares for you will protect you from yourself and show genuine interest in your well-being.

For instance, if you are into drug or alcohol abuse, he will help you seek help and will not use them near you if you are in recovery.

12. He Supports You

When you like someone, you are their number-one cheerleader. A guy who secretly likes you but is hiding it will support you in everything you do.

If you want to venture into a new business or career, he is in your corner, clapping for you and supporting you however he can.

A guy friend who likes you will support you even if he is the only one in your corner; even if he goes against all his friends, he will be there for you.

Moreover, if you are going through a tough time, he will be there to support you. For instance, if you lose your job, he will be with you through the tough times; he will support you emotionally, 

help you look for another job, and even support you financially if he is in a position to do so.

A guy who likes you but is hiding it will support you even if you are more ambitious than him, and your success will not threaten him.

13. He Asks Your Opinion

A guy who likes you but is hiding it will ask your opinion. When you like someone, you want them to be involved in your life, and there is no better way to get someone involved than asking them their opinion.

If a guy often asks for your advice or input, he likes you and values your input. It may be something as simple as changing his haircut or dress code or something big like changing his career.

It doesn’t matter how big the decision he wants to make is; he values you enough to want your input.

14. He Is Jealous

If you think a guy likes you, observe how he behaves when you talk to or about other guys, he will be jealous when you talk to other guys.

If you try to talk to him about other guys, his demeanor will change; you may notice his blow creasing, tightened fists, or folded arms. He is uncomfortable when you talk about other guys because he likes you.

Moreover, if you talk about other women or guys, he may ask you questions about them to establish how long you have known them and your relationship.

15. He touches you more than he would with other people

One subtle sign a guy likes you but doesn’t want to show it is if he finds excuses to touch you.

You may notice him brushing against your arm when you talk, putting his hand on your back, giving you hugs, or finding other small ways to make physical contact.

Guys that like someone tend to want to touch them more, even casually, so if you notice a guy finding ways to reach out and touch you innocently, it could be his way of showing interest without being open about his feelings.

Pay attention to how often he touches you compared to others; if it’s noticeably more, he probably likes you.

Final Thoughts

Sometimes it is hard to know if someone likes you, especially if they don’t tell you. Many guys are afraid to tell you they like you because they fear rejection.

If you think a guy likes you but is hiding it, there are several signs to look out for.

Some of the signs a guy likes you but is hiding it include; being awkward around you, smiling when he sees you, complimenting you, and always looking good around you.

Moreover, if he likes you but is hiding it, he will stare at you, want to be around you, remember details about you, and ask your friends about you.

When a guy likes you and is hiding it, he will want to know about you and is jealous when you talk to other girls or guys.

Additionally, a guy who likes you but is hiding it will initiate contact, protect, and support you.

Photo by Keira Burton: https://www.pexels.com/photo/cheerful-multiethnic-students-studying-together-in-campus-park-6146973/

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