My Boyfriend Doesn’t Want To Work

Boyfriend Doesn’t Want To Work

In this article we address the problem, boyfriend doesn’t want to work, we look at things to take into consideration, reasons he doesn’t want to work and what you can do about it. You are dating this amazing person who is madly in love with you. But he does not want to work. If you … Read more

My Boyfriend Is A Workaholic

boyfriend is a workaholic

This article will help you understand why your boyfriend is a workaholic, what signs to look out for, and what you can do about it. Is your boyfriend always at work, Is his desk always stacked with unending projects? Is he a perfectionist, always on call with work colleagues? If you answered yes, to the … Read more

How Do Empaths Protect Themselves From Narcissists

In this article, we examine some survival tactics on how empaths protect themselves from narcissists. We also provide the Do’s and Don’ts when dealing with a narcissist.  Empaths and narcissists have opposite personality traits but often attract each other. A narcissist sees an empath as someone who can satisfy their greedy desires. The kind and … Read more

Who Is A Broken Empath?

A Broken Empath

In this article, we talk about who is a broken empath, the signs of a broken empath, and how a broken empath can undergo healing. Empaths are highly sensitive individuals. They are emotional sponges who absorb other people’s positive or negative emotions.  Moreover, empaths are some of the most compassionate, kind, and optimistic people worldwide. … Read more

8 Surprising Empath Abilities

Empath Abilities

In this article, we will delve into the world of empath abilities and explore eight unique and surprising abilities that empaths possess. An empath is a highly sensitive person who absorbs the emotions of others like a sponge. Empaths have no emotional boundaries. So, they often mistake others’ feelings for their own. They end up … Read more