13 Signs A Woman Is Jealous Of Your Looks

In this article we will look at several signs a woman is jealous of your looks.

Jealousy is not a good color for anyone, and it ruins many relationships and friendships, it is a vice that consumes you from the inside out.

Jealousy can widen the gap between families and burn bridges in friendships.

Someone’s looks are one of the worst reasons to be jealous of them; however, many women are jealous of their friend’s looks.

Dealing with someone who is jealous of your looks can be hard, especially if you don’t know they are jealous of your looks.

So, how do you know a woman is jealous of your looks?

Signs A Woman Is Jealous Of Your Looks

There are many signs a woman is jealous of your looks. Here are some of the signs a woman is jealous of your looks.

1. She Gives You Fake Compliments

Women are masters of compliments. However, when a woman is jealous of your looks, they will shower you with fake compliments.

For instance, if a woman is jealous of your looks, she will compliment you with sarcasm and a roll of her eyes.

It is hard to know when someone offers you a fake compliment. Moreover, there is nothing essentially wrong with a fake compliment.

However, fake compliments are offered with a bored voice rather than an excited one.

When someone is genuinely happy for you, they are excited, and you will know by how they tell you. Compliments are about how something is said rather than what is said.

When someone tells you, “You look beautiful,” it can be a fake compliment if they say it with a bored voice and sarcasm. However, it is a genuine compliment if they have excitement in their voice.

2. She Gives You Bad Fashion Advice

When a woman is jealous of your looks, they will give you bad fashion advice, so you may not look as good as you always do.

When someone is jealous of your looks, they will try to sabotage your style. For instance, if you wear a dress that looks bulky on you or doesn’t flatter your curves, they will tell you how good you look in it.

They will try and compliment the dress so you can buy it. A jealous person will sabotage your style because they can’t look as good as you.  

For instance, my friend had a friend who would always tell her she looked good in bulky clothes and didn’t flatter her amazing figure.

The friend would always recommend clothes in funny prints that made her look awful.

It turns out the friend was jealous of her looks and was trying to make her look bad so she could be the attractive one when they walked together.

3. She Says You Have Unfair Advantages Due To Your Looks

When a friend is jealous of you, they will accuse you of having an unfair advantage because of your looks.

A woman who is jealous of your looks will say you get special treatment because of your looks.

For instance, if you get a new job or a promotion, they will say you got it because you look good and the boss is attracted to you, not because you worked hard to get the job.

Sometimes they joke that your looks are your secret weapons when you talk yourself out of a speeding ticket.

Typically, some of these jokes are just jokes, but you should listen to how they talk about your appearance.

If a woman is fixated on your looks, they are jealous of your looks.

4. She Copies Your Style

One of the most common signs a woman is jealous of your looks, they will try to copy your style. Imitation is one way to know someone wants to be like you.

So, if a woman is jealous of your looks, they will copy your style and looks. However, it is important to know bodies are different, and what may look good on one person may not look good on another.

However, copying someone’s style can be a compliment to their style or a sign they are jealous of your looks.

If someone starts dressing and accessorizing like you, they look up to you. However, it can be creepy when someone always looks like you.

You may even think the person stalks you to know how you dress, which is a toxic trait.

It can be flattering when someone copies your style for a day, but if they do it all the time, it shows they are jealous of your looks.

5. She Gossips About You

If a woman is jealous of your looks, they will gossip about you. Gossip is rampant in society; however, according to research, gossip can ruin someone’s reputation.

People tend to believe what they hear about other people, so, if a woman is jealous of your looks, they will gossip about you and may even spread rumors about you.

For instance, if a woman is jealous of your looks, they may start rumors about you that you are looking good to steal their boyfriend or you are trying to seduce your boss to get a promotion.

If you are in school, they may say you are looking good to flirt with your teacher.

It’s unfortunate, but our close friends may be the ones who spread gossip about us. When a woman is jealous of your looks, they gossip about you to ruin your reputation.

6. She Likes Seeing You On Your Bad Hair Days

We all have bad hair days, and it is allowed occasionally not to have the energy to put ourselves together.

However, when a woman is jealous of your looks, she will enjoy your bad hair days. It may be hard to know when someone is jealous of your looks.

However, if every time you look your worst, someone seems to be happy about it, they are jealous of your looks.

Unfortunately, some people derive pleasure from other people’s misfortunes, but it happens when they are jealous of you.

For instance, if you have a bad hair day and meet a woman who is jealous of your looks, they will give you sarcastic compliments about your hair. They are happy because they look better than you.

7. She Tries To Make You Look Bad In Public

When a woman is jealous of your looks, they will try to make you look bad to discredit you publicly.

If you notice someone who makes a point to embarrass you in public, they want to make you look bad.

A jealous person will want others to dislike you and want to magnify your weakness in public. They will try to humiliate you publicly by commenting on your personality and gossiping about you.

8. She Says You Can’t Understand Her Struggles

If a woman is jealous of your looks, she will tell you you’re privileged because of your looks and that you don’t understand her struggles.

When a woman is jealous of your looks, she thinks you get everything in life easy because of your looks. They will say you don’t understand her struggles because she is not good-looking.

This may be partly true because people tend to look at good-looking people differently in society, and you may get some things easily. Still, it is not entirely true, as everyone has their own struggles.

For instance, a good-looking person will be gossiped about, and people will think they get by through life because of their looks.

9. She Looks At The World Through Beautiful And Ugly Lens

When a woman is jealous of your looks, they will look at everything through a beautiful and ugly lens.

Someone jealous of your looks will judge everything from a beautiful and ugly perspective. There is no in-between for them; whether it is a house, car, clothing, or even décor, it is either ugly or beautiful.

A person jealous of your looks has a shallow way of looking at everything.

According to David Robson’s report on BBC, good-looking people have a lot of challenges that others don’t consider. Some of which include sexism and medical inequalities.

10. She Complains About Their Looks

Another sign a woman is jealous of your looks is if she keeps complaining about her own looks.

If a woman always complains about her looks, she may be jealous of yours. She will keep saying how her skin is breaking out; her skin is not as smooth as yours, or her crooked nose.

A woman who is jealous of your looks will never see anything good about her looks and will always compare herself with you.

They lament about their looks to make you know how good you look, and you can’t get her struggles because you look good.

11. she Says Skin Care Is Easy On You

Some people are naturally beautiful; they have amazing skin even if they don’t use any skincare routine or diet.

However, if a woman is jealous of your looks, they will say skincare and dieting are easy on you and work for you while you don’t do any of these things.

God forbid you tell them you don’t use anything, and they will start making sarcastic comments about how you are God’s “favorite” because you naturally look good.

This is a way of undercutting your appearance; maybe you use skin care and diets, or you don’t, but either way, they are jealous of your looks.

12. She Makes You Look Shallow

When a woman is jealous of your looks, they make you look shallow in front of your friends.

They want other people to see you as they see you. They will make comments about your looks and reduce you down to your looks.

A person who is jealous of your looks will not look beyond your appearance and will want other people to wear the same goggles.

No matter the conversation, they will get a way to make it about your looks. Moreover, they may make you seem like you don’t care about anything besides your looks.

For instance, you may be trying to fund a charity event, and they will get a way to turn the conversation to your looks.

For instance, they may say you will get the funds because you are pretty; if it were them, they would not get any funds because they are not good-looking, so they wouldn’t bother fundraising.

Moreover, someone jealous of your looks will try to make people think that you care more about your looks than you do and spend too much time or money on looking good.

13. She Is Jealous Of Your Relationship

A woman jealous of your looks will also be jealous of your relationship. She will say you have a successful relationship because you are good-looking.

They think that the only good attribute about you is your looks, and that’s why your boyfriend loves you.

To a woman jealous of your looks, everything boils down to looks. She doesn’t stop to think of other attributes that make you loveable.

So, a woman complains about her bad relationships and says if she is good-looking, she could have a better relationship; she is jealous of your successful relationship as she attributes this success to your good looks.

Bottom Line

Jealousy is not a good color for anyone, and it ruins relationships and burns bridges; you may not know when a woman is jealous of your looks.

However, there are many signs you can look out for to know if a woman is jealous of your looks.

Some include; they give you fake compliments, trying to copy your style, deriving pleasure from your bad hair days, and gossiping about you.

Moreover, if a woman is jealous about your looks, she will say you have unfair advantages due to your looks, make you look shallow in front of your friends, complain about their looks, and is jealous of your relationship.

Photo by Borko Manigoda on pexels.com

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